Friday, February 25

Another 10 pounds gone.

Mood: Optimistic, but lazy.
Weight: 174 (yes, 174) pounds!!
I've lost 20, but I'm still 30 pounds overweight. A "usual" day: Breakfast - 1 packet of oatmeal (3), double vanilla sugarless soy latte (2),=5 pts.Lunch - A boca burger, or 1 serving of leftovers from last night's dinner (usually =5 pts) Snack, usually a boca burger or some veggies (1-3 points) and for supper, 1 serving of something, usually 5-10 points. Total for the day, 15- 20 points, then I make it up with popcorn or some other snack. I revised my "ideal" weight, because I looked at some pictures of myself and I look best at about 140-145. At this rate, I should be at my goal weight by the end of the semester.
Movies kill me; I don't use my flex points but for going to the movie, then the popcorn, no butter, is 1 points per cup. The buckets I share with my husband are 16 cups, so I eat about 8 of them.

New discoveries: The weight watchers point calculation equation, as is registered at the US patent office, POINTS=(calories/50)+(g. fat/12)-(g. fiber/5), and sugarless Jelly Belly beans (from WalGreens). If I didn't say it already, I have switched back to LifeForm, the best weight/health management software out there. The other software I was using (see above) kept crashing, for no reason. LifeForm has never let me down. I haven't written for a while, so I'll make this a bit longer. At 20 pounds down, people are noticing the weight loss. My husband has lost 16 pounds, and I notice the difference on him, too. I'm back into a size 14 (I was almost into a size 18 when I stared) in most of my clothes. I tried the 1 point desert but when I looked at the angel food cake mix, it had eggs in it, and I don't eat eggs.