The 2008 Black Warrior 50K: By the numbers:
How I will reward my legs: a message.
- My time: about 8 hours, :26.
- My average pace: 16:20 min/mile
- Miles traveled: >31
- feet of climbing on this course: 9231 (according to Baboo's Garmin. MY garmin, disappointingly, claims that I only ran about 28 miles.)
- Stream crossings: more than a dozen
- Super mucky areas that had to be skirted or just slogged through: about 50.
- Number potties on the course: 0
- Number of bushes to potty behind: 0
- Number of fallen trees that had to suffice instead: 3
- Tree roots I tripped on because they were buried in the leaves: 11
- Times I said "stupid tree roots": 3
- Number of times I said, "f***ing tree roots!!!": 8
- Number of people who started the 50K: About 90.
- Number of people behind me when I finished: 6.
- Ounces of watered-down gatorade I drank: over 200.
- Number of gells I consumed: 16.
- Number of snickers energy bars: 1
- Mile where I hit the wall and started mumbling to myself and staggering a bit: 26
- Ounces of coke it took to light a new fire under my butt at mile 28.4: 12.
- Number of Sweet Baboos waiting for me at the finish line (along with Mini baboo): 1
(there could only be one.)
How I will reward my Brooks Adrenylin 4 trail shoes: with a lovely hosing off.
How I will reward my wonderful feet, for carrying me all >31 miles: Cute, comfortable shoes and a pedicure.
How I will reward my wonderful feet, for carrying me all >31 miles: Cute, comfortable shoes and a pedicure.
How I will reward my legs: a message.