Sunday, October 27

I will not go softly

SO I’ve noticed in the past year or so how weak I’ve gotten, especially my upper body. I will not go softly into that good night. 


Cardio - 5k training program on the treadmill 2x week, and rowing or elliptical on the other days. 

Strength - Apple fitness strength workouts.

Flexibility/Balance - Apple fitness yoga workouts and some of the strength workouts utilize balance as well.

I also joined IFIT. We bought a bunch of Nordictrack machines, and IFIT works with them, changing resistance or speed as you follow along with the trainer, who might be in a studio, or out on a famous trail in the Mt. Hood national park, or along the Iberian coast. 

The new house we bought in Washington, on the Olympic peninsula, has a finished and enclosed garage. This is where the machines live. It’s also where I work. 

Left to right: treadmill, elliptical, rower.

 in front of the machines is a TV bolted to the wall, and room on the floor for workouts, including yoga. 

Next weekend, I’ll post my workouts for the week. 


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