Friday, April 18

I'm Done!

I started the program for professional counseling in 2004. I finished the coursework in 1 year, and spent a year doing a part-time internship. At the end of that year, I took my written comprehensive test.
Then I just stalled for 2 years.

First it was because I was disgusted with the fact that in my district, I have now applied for ten counseling positions and have landed 1 interview. (5 of those positions, as I think I've mentioned before, were at the school where I teach, and eight of those positions haven't garnered an acknowledgement that I even applied.

Then I was kind of waylaid by my father's suicide, and also training for Ironman Louisville.

Then it was just kind of an apathetic laziness.

Finally I said to myself, Jeez, if I can drag my butt across the finish line at Louisville, then I can write a paper.

Thanks for all the encouragement!



  1. Congratulations! It doesn't matter how long it took to get there-- only that you arrived!

  2. HHMMmmmmm. That seems to be a reoccurring theme in my life!

  3. totally awesome, misty! (and, honestly, it doesn't sound like laziness - you had a whole lot of stuff going on)

  4. Congratulations, Misty! You're amazing!

  5. Congratulations!!!

  6. *LOUD APPLAUSE* to you Ultra Iron Master GeekGirl!

  7. Yes, many congratulations! A triumph...

  8. Way to go! Super accomplishment!


    Now..if your looking for a nice job...I'm sure LV is hiring


  9. WOOT!! Congratulations!!

  10. Misty-
    Congratulations! I know it has been a long haul-way to go!!

  11. Fantastic job!

    I always tell my students no one will ever care when you graduated , just that you did.

    So many people say things like "I wish I had time to go to school and get my masters" when really they just don't have strength of mind and commitment to see a long, laborious process through, but you did and that is a huge accomplishment.

    Good luck with your interviews. Screw your school and others that haven't acknowledged your application. They will be sorry when they get finally their shit together in August and you already have a job!

  12. Congrats! Hope you get the perfect job somewhere, some day! You sure deserve it!

  13. Way to kick some academic butt!!

  14. Hooray Misty!! I guess I'm doing mine in reverse - 7 years to finish my MA, then hopefully 10 months to finish my first marathon. Which do you think is harder, academia or training/racing? Or do we make them both harder than they need to be?

    Yeah, good luck with starting a new career as well. I hope the degree makes the right people take notice now.

  15. Congratulations on putting that to rest. Bet it feels good to be done!

  16. Anonymous12:12 PM


    You done good girl!

  17. Well done - congratulations!

  18. Congratulations, Counselor!

  19. My most sincere congratulations~


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