
Recovery week.

This has been a recovery week.  During the week, I dropped 6 pounds of water weight.  I don't think I've gotten around to reading why I put on 5 to 6 pounds of water after a marathon or endurance run, and remember, I. Am Lazy.  So if anyone knows it, you can post it here and that way I don't have to work hard to look it up.

This weekend, my training plan is to run 5 miles each on Saturday and Sunday.  Next week, I'm to run 4 on Tuesday, 6 on Thursday, and 10 on Saturday, for a total of 20 miles.

I have a new running partner of sorts for weekends, a regular whipper snapper in her twenties who is new to running.  She just did her very first 10K at my current PR.  I don't expect that my runs will be much challenging for her for long.  She's joining my multisport club so she'll have fast people to run with if she wishes.

The terrible winter storm, thankfully, did NOT burst my pipes (but did manage to completely freeze over our large pond from no ice to completely frozen over, complete with a burned-out pump, in four days) seems to be past.  It's supposed to be in the upper 50s and low 60s coming up.  Yay!  I"m going to spend some time planning this week how I'm going to fit in running 4 miles. I'm thinking I may go to class early and either run next door at the Y on a treadmill, or drive almost to my class and run on the north diversion channel before class.  Fingers crossed that I can overcome my laziness on one night between work and class to pull this off.

I'm also interviewing a new lunch partner at work.  You see, I like to eat lunch out from time to time, but I like to have a partner to go with.  They don't know they're being interviewed.  I have to be really care about this because, frankly, most women are just downright silly and full of drama and some are really needy,  know what I mean?  The last thing I need is someone who sits around and picks at her food and says, I wish I could lose weight, but I just don't have the time to exercise.  I've been thinking of getting a gastric bypass to get this last 20 pounds off.  

Oh, I'm up way too late.  I shouldn't have had all that Mountain Dew.
