Monday, December 21

Tentative 2010 schedule.

January 1, Egg Nog Jog 4M iler
January 17, Ghost Town 38.5 ultra, NM
March 6, Old Pueblo 50 miler, AZ
April 25, Los Alamos Duathon (Little Boy Course) NM
May 1, Ironman St. George, UT
May 22, Jemez Mountain 50k
June 12, Run the Caldera trail marathon, Los Alamos NM
September (early), New Mexico Marathon
September 25, Redman Iron Distance Triathlon, OK
October 9, Pajarito Trail Festival 25k
October (later), Marathon or Ultra, TBD

Assorted sprints and local 5ks: TBD


  1. ooooh that is one impressive schedule! You go girl!!!

  2. Holy cows! That is a lot to accomplish in a year. Plus school and a new FT are an animal!!

    Do you sleep...?!? :)

  3. I am doing St. George too! That is going to be an exceptional experience...

  4. Don't forget about the Los Alamos Tri. : )

  5. Great schedule...IMSG should be an epic experience!


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