13. There were no donuts.
12. Sorry to disappoint anyone; I decided not do the meltman. Late in the afternoon as I started sweating in my office and decided that driving several hundred miles, doing a sprint in 100 degree weather (and this triathlon is nearly insufferably warm even when the weather is in the 80s) sounded like no fun. So I bagged it. This is my year of fun, weight loss, and short distances, I've decided. Except, of course, for Redman.
11. Instead, Saturday I went for a hike. I hiked up into the mountains behind my house--not far, just a couple miles, at dawn. It was glorious. I went up to about 7500 feet, I think.
10. Sunday, I did my long run: a trip to El Pinto with Johnny Tri, his girlfriend, and Baboo--and I had the El Pinto eggs Benedict. These are poached eggs with green chile hollendaise sauce on chile cheese biscuits. They are - wait for it -- TWENTY TWO WEIGHT WATCHER POINTS. Did I know that before I ate them? I did NOT. I found Tuesday morning when I entered it into WW. I had no idea that Hollendaise was solid animal fat. Baboo was all, you didn't know that? No, why would I? I don't have occasion to make Hollendaise sauce. Now even less so.
9. I made up part of those points by riding the Tram with Courtney and Baboo up to the top of the mountain (10,000 feet elevation) and doing about 5 miles of hiking.
8. Monday, I did nothing.
7. Tuesday, I did a brief run that involves climbing for about a mile and a half. My goal is to run the entire thing without stopping for a second to puke.
6. Tuesday night, I went with Baboo to do a hike up La Luz trail. DP has invited me every year, but I would fink out. I'd be all like: west side of the mountain in the late afternoon with temp in the 90s, then run up the side of a mountain? Yeah. Sure. But you know what? It wasn't so bad. So you all meet in the parking lot, and run/hike/whatever up the mountain for an hour, and then turn around and come back down.
I made it about 2 miles up, to elevation 7800 feet up, with a belt with 2 10-ounce bottles. This was not a 2 small bottle workout. This was, at least, a 4-small-bottle workout. Next time, I'll know. I was getting a bit nauseated. Running down was fun, though.
5. Oh, and I did the La Luz workout in my Vibram Five Fingers. I'm working my way up to longer hike. I was a little worried when I woke up and my foot hurt, I mean HURT. But then it went away.
4. Another conversation from work (Again, no HIPPA violation, this is a compilation of several conversations)
So, tell me about the drinking.
What about it?
I understand from your mom that you've been doing a lot of drinking.
Well, you know, yeah. I like to drink. But it's not like I have a problem. I mean, it's not like I HAVE to have it. In fact, it's been almost a whole week since I've had a drink, and I'm not craving it at all.
Tell me about shoplifting vodka from WallGreens.
Oh, that was just for fun. You know, to see if I can get away with it. I didn't have any money.
And breaking into your great-Aunt's house and stealing wine...was that fun too?
Well, I mean, she has lots of wine in the house.
Was your mother correct when she said that you took alcohol to school in your water bottle?
Yeah - I did it on a dare. I gave a sip to a friend, and she ratted me out, that bitch. They called the cops on me.
Would it surprise you to know that most people consider lack of money, a locked door, and the threat of being expelled enough of a barrier to not drink?
I don't get what you mean.
What I'm saying is, most people would consider those enough to stop them from using alcohol.
Well, it wasn't like I had to try hard to get it.
insight: [ ]good [ ]fair [X]poor
3. Today, I hit a new low: 156.4. lbs Of course : Wednesday. What will happen next is that by weigh day, I'll be back up to 160 or 161, and I'll get a concillatory pity note from WeightWatchers: Don't be discouraged because you didn't see any losses this week... Bah. Whatever. I put on a dress this week that I haven't been able to wear for 4 years. So there.
2. There is a big black spot on my laptop screen. It looks like some kind of damage, but I can't imagine why.
1. Tomorrow, after this posts, I'll run. Going to see if I can do a pre-work, 4 mile run.
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