Thursday, May 5

Weekend #2 looms. Thursday 13.

I look almost like a runner here.
Dear Diary,

13.  Number 1 and 2 are done, and I lost one toenail.  Well, 1-1/2.  

12.   At the Nashville marathon expo, I did one of those things where you fill out a piece of paper for a drawing, and then get added to an email list.  
But lo and behold, Tuesday, I got an email from Brooksrunning telling me I won a pair of shoes, how cool is that?  So, I just got to pick out a pair.

11.  So, then, I still have my free pair coming from the Kalamazoo marathon, as well, because I was the first person in new Mexico to sign up.   So, two free pairs of shoes.  Win-win.

10.  So far, only two kids have bolted by my office today (as always, followed closely by adults talking into radios)

9.  Every year I have wanted to be involved, some how, in the annual Women's Distance Festival.  There is training every Saturday, and then the final 5K, which is women only.  At the finish, you get a flower and a piece of chocolate. 
So, the Daughter Project and I have signed up to volunteer.  She and I will also start working on the "Couch to 5K Running Plan" from Cool Running, to do her first 5K.  She said she doesn't want to walk this; she wants to at least jog it.

The number 1 I'm signalling means
first marathon, not that I'm number one.  LOL.
 8.  I turned in my last final exam last night.  So, yeah.  I had me some spinach dip and chips for breakfast this morning. You bet.  I also had some diet Mt. Dew and Diet Cranberry juice because, well, I wanted to make it a fully balanced meal.  So, I had, well, dairy, dairy fat, chips, chip fat, and diet soda. There you go. 

Part of the spectating at Flying Pig
 8.  I bought a new SpiBelt at the expo last weekend, as I had lost my other one.  The new ones SUCK.  You practically explode your gels trying to get them in or out of them.  DO NOT BUY THIS, or don't buy the ones that "hold gels". 

Himself rented us a convertible for the weekend.

7.  My daughter went with me to the monthly meeting of the Albuquerque Road Runners.  She kept looking around and saying, "I'm the fattest one here."  She didn't seem distressed by this, but at the same time, I have to start telling her that it's not useful for her to be comparing herself to others; it will eat you up.  I only started enjoying myself when I stopped doing that.  

  6.  I actually got a blister this past weekend, on the top of one of my toes.  Also, I have two very sore toes that I keep stubbing on things.  I'm really hoping that in two days my feet will be better.  52.4 miles is a long way to go on feet that don't feel good.
Runners headed across the first Ohio River crossing.

It was a bit moist out.

The back of my Flying Pig marathon.

Me, at the finish Swine.
That isn't a peace sign.  That's me
signalling: #2.
5.  So the plan for the weekend; Fly into Chicago.  Drive to Kenosha.  Run a marathon.  Drive to Kalamazoo. Run another marathon.  Fly home.
4. I was showing a new runner my wall of medals, and that's when I realized: I have no new triathlon finisher medals.  Hmm.  Need to do something about that....

3. I meet kids, from time to time, who tell me that they like to run; it makes them feel better.  it's all I can do not to leap out of my chair well then go run, kid!  Instead, I do my therapy face, and give my speech about how everyone deals with their stuff differently...  

2.  So, I ate an entire jar of tostitos creamy spinach dip.  So sue me.  

1.  I would have posted sooner, but they are getting better at making it harder for me to get hold of my pictures without paying for them.  YEESH.  They are pictures of mE!  If post them on the web, I will have them. So here we go...

Next up: The Cheesiest, and The Inaugural Kalamazoo.


  1. Now that I ran my first marathon (I love saying that), I've even more in awe about the double-double thing. I'm all about doing another one, but maybe not the day after.

    Those are good race pics of you. I always hate mine. I'm much cuter in my imagination than in reality

  2. Cincinnatti was Skyline Wisconsin you have to try squeaky cheese.

  3. Great job for the weekend and good luck to you for this coming weekend. You are a rock star!

  4. This weekend is your double double double, right? Two marathons two weekends in a row? Awesome, just awesome.
    And, I think you get to eat whatever you want when you are running/competing this much. Cheese dip for everyone!

  5. I used to live in Kenosha. Have fun - sounds like a great trip!

  6. I too just finished my first marathon and while I was in awe of your running schedule and challenges, I am now in double awe. Just walking was tough the day after my marathon, so super KUDOS to you and good luck this weekend.

  7. Great pics! Congrats on your 2 marathons and good luck with the next 2!!

  8. I swear I already commented here...unless maybe my brain is going - wouldn't be the first time. Great pictures!

  9. I think that is is completely appropriate that since you are doing double marathons you have double FREE shoes!


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