This Duathlon (link), in a suburb of Los Alamos, had two options: the "fat man" course, which was a 10k run, 40k bike, and 5K run, or the "little boy" course, which was a 4K-15K-4K.
(Yes, that's right, they're named after the atomic bombs)
I chose the latter. Why? Because the bike was highly "techinical"- this is my new word of the week. It's a fancy triathlon/cycling term for "curvy". It was also extremely hilly. It was also extremely beautiful. Holy cow, people who live out there are lucky to live in such a beautiful place. I'm lucky for getting to run this great, well-organized race out there. The race bag was a good one - a LS Technical Tshirt, gel, Endurolytes, and some sort of energy bar. It had milk in it, and since I'm vegan, I usually donate my unused energy bars to the school nurse where I work. You'd be surprised how many kids come in after 3 hours of school, complaining that their stomach is queasy and they have a headache, only to find out

But anyway. I digress. We also got a neato running hat at the end of the race for filling out a survey about the race. Both the technical T and the hat had the same log on them, that you see in the upper left of this post.
I started off with a run that felt pretty good. The weather was gorgeous, crisp and WINDLESS. (I was enthusiastic about that) The run left Pinon elementary and wound throught a residential area, looping back to the school. The bike included a lot of hills and curves, as I mentioned, and at one point, a climb that made me want to throw up. I survived, though. Nor did I pull over to rest, as I was tempted to do. At one point, I was ready to go screaming down one of the hills (not really "screaming" but riding fast) and pass another rider, when a car passed me and then filled in the space between me and the next rider. And there I was for the next mile, breaking behind this idiot who didn't want to pass the next cyclist, but was going slower than I was! By the time next hill loomed, the car went on, leaving me with little momentum for getting up the hill. The last run I was pretty whooped, so I did a one-minute run/one-minute walk thing, considerably slower than the first.
The whole things was a blast, though. I would definitely do this one again, and definitely recommend it. I'm not sure how the whole altitude thing works with you folks that train at sea level, but I train about mile above, so it wasn't a problem for me.
- Results: 1st place, Athena
- Time: 1:42.
- Funky smell rating:
(nothing but clean mountain air)
- Coolest siting: a 7-year-old, running the "little boy" course with his mom. He finished!
- Hotel: the closest one was a Fairfield Inn, pretty decent.
- Food: Go ahead and skip the Pizza Hut right next to the hotel. They seem to have some personnel/work problems. As in their personnel don't want to work. Our pizza, a veggie-lovers with no cheese, took 45 minutes.
First place athena? That's awesome. Congratulations.