
Morning run

I really, really want to get in the habit of running in the mornings.
First, it frees up the rest of my day; second, it makes me feel strong and capable and oh, so efficacious. Lastly, the mornings are so GORGEOUS in New Mexico (dry, crisp, cool, beautiful sunrise).
BUTTTT, those flannel sheets are hard to pull myself out of, along with the warm and snuggly Clydesdale I married...
So, I took a tip from this month's Runner's World and told myself that I would only going out for a mile or two. The trick is, by the time you're a couple miles into the run, you're enjoying yourself and keep going. And it WORKED! I wound up going for 5K, I wished I could have gone longer but I was running out of time, but tomorrow, oh yes! tomorrow will be different.
The glucosamine seems to be working. No foot pain, and starting the long stretching sessions, no more knee problems either. In either case, the run felt great.
This is going to be a run-focused year for me. I'm tired of straggling in nearly last, although I admit it is much easier to find my bike when it's one of the last ones left...
Since I'm less than a year into all this, I'm still working on my base/endurance, so any improvement in my running will probably help me in other areasl. My goals is a 10-minute mile; right now I'm around 12 or so.
But here's the most amazing part of all - I'm still astounded by this - I love running! Who'd have ever expected that? The queen of going slowly, the Princess of Mosy, loves to run! I love strapping on my MP3 player and heading out. I feel powerful and strong, especially with the music. I love the solitude of it. I don't like running with others. I don't want to talk. I love smootin' along, lost in my own thoughts, the musci playing in the background.
It's gonna be a great year!!