Sunday, April 2

MVTC Sprint Triathlon (Race report)

Yes, I did it! As of last night, I had none of the symptoms that indicated that I should NOT do it, so I got up at 5 am and mosied through this reverse sprint.
We stayed at the home of our friends the Piazzos, who live between El Paso and Las Cruces. They have a great southwestern home high up on the mesa overlooking the river valley, with green fields and pecan groves.

The race was on a fantastic day - beautiful weather in Las Cruces, with no wind. I don't know any of my splits, because I have fallen into a habit of not pushing the lap buttons on my watch or reset button on my cyclometer until several minutes into the event; I didn't push the stop button until I was in the shower afterward. I've been told I can expect a hard copy of my results in, oh, about 3 months.

I did the run nice and easy, coming in my usual nearly-last. The run felt great, and I couldn't stop smiling. Best of all, the folks in my tri team club (The Outlaws) were yelling, "Go, Misty!" and slapping hands with me as they passed me on the way back. I love being part of a team!
The bike was 25K down a bbuummpppyyy road and back. I relaxed and concentrated on not letting my aero bottle bounce out from between the bars. I had a nice ride down and back, stopping for a bit to give a guy my spare tube (hey, it's not like that's going to keep me out of Kona) and then get on my bike for more mosying.
I was surprised at how well the swim went! Those 2000+ meters in the pool have really paid off. I actually dropped a couple people in the swim! Can you believe that?
  • Results: great race, can't wait to do it next year. Athena, 2nd place. ;-) (There were two of us)
  • Husband beat out several other Clydesdales for another 1st place win.
  • Next up: the Rio Rancho Duathlon, practically in my back yard.


  1. Way to be on the red ribbon. Two of you or not, you kick butt. Great to start reading about races. It's finally race season!

  2. Congrats!!! I love you attitude. I've never done a tri before, but I was always "almost last" in bike races. Racing is just motivation for training, I say :)

  3. Awesome! Great job and glad you had fun...


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