Saturday, June 25

Sorry I'm late, honey, but I can explain.

Dear Diary,

13.  I spent much of the week with some pals planning a surprise birthday party for Herself, the Dreadpirate Rackham.  She who turns 42 this year has been lacking a party in the recent past, and so we decided to pull this off.  And, it worked.  She had no idea.  She tried in vain to go train in Leadville this weekend, but mysteriously, nobody was available to go with her.  Buwahaha.

Anyway, there was cake, and snacks, and charbroiled meat.  All-in-all, a very good time.  Pictures to come.

12. Last weekend, I had a nice parenthood moment: I had a grownup-dinner with my grown-up oldest son.  We ate at an Indian Restaurant. It was nice, eating with another adult. It's interesting seeing the development that continues of a young person.  He has been having deep thoughts lately about human nature and electronic media, as well as self examination.

11. Thursday morning, the aforementioned oldest grabbed his inhaler, a pair of running shoes, and went for a run. 9.5 pace, not bad considering he's gained about 30 lbs and hasn't run in over a year. In fact, it kind of pisses me off; 19 minutes for 2 miles is something that I have to work hard to attain.  When he was a toddler, his pediatrician said that something about the way his knees were built meant he'd be a good runner. Maybe we'll see that happen.

10. In the tradition of food-themed runs. This Sunday night will be the Cherry Garcia run. yeah baby.  Oldest has decided to do it too.  

9.  Really?  You're only charging me $30 to inject vitamins  into my ass?  Vtamins I could take for 50 cents in pill form or a bowl of cereal?  Wow.  What a Bargain.

I want to say, "seriously, who pays for this?" but then again, I bought two months of some stupid stuff called "Sensa" in 2009.  I know that when you're heavy, sometimes you think, well, just maybe...I mean, they couldn't say it if it wasn't true, right?  And that really is what pisses me off about places that do things like this (above) know that people are that desperate.  They prey on people and their sad desperation. I want to take the charlitans and make them run. For, oh, say, about 26.2 miles.

8.  A couple weeks ago I had a bad morning.   I'd spent it at the local children's acute psychiatric ward at a hospital, where I met an 11-year-old girl who wanted to kill herself.  She had a plan and everything - slit her own throat with a kitchen knife. 
When I got to work, I told the director of Admissions I was feeling pretty low, and she sent me to a website.  Normally, that wouldn't do the trick, but this one actually did, so I'll share it: DAMN YOU AUTO CORRECT!

7.  The other thing is, I just didn't do much this week.  
I ran with a friend on Monday, but only about 1.88 miles.  She's a friend who is in the Guard, and is in danger of being kicked out because she keeps failing the physical fitness part.  So, I told her I'd run with her a cuople times per week.  

6.  Most of this week I relaxed, ate, and worked.  But tomorrow, I"m back at it again, starting from scratch as I work on both a marathon training plan and continue working on training for La Luz.
Why would I start over?  Well, I"m not actually starting over.  I'm starting at like the 4th week of the training plan, actually.  It's just that I'll be working on speed more over the coming months.  Tomorrow, I'm doing a run called the Cherry Garcia 10K, and yes, it is named precisely that for a reason.  Pizza and ice cream.

5. Then comes the Daughter.  She worked out with me for one week, and then did another final workout a week later with Women In Training, and then stopped.  She's continued to lose weight, slowly, mainly has to leave the house to look for work every day, and while it's true she just sits on the internet all day and "looks" for work, at least she isn't home to sit and eat all day (when I'm at home, the house is locked, and she doesn't have a key).  So, anyway, she heard there was pizza and ice cream and now wants to do this run. 

Then at the last moment, she remembered a very important Skype call she had to make at the same time as the run, so, oh, well...

4.  For the record, daughter has to be working by June 30th or she gets a one-way plane ticket back home.  Who will pick her up at the airport is her decision to make and plan.  Now, she's been all mopy about this, talking about how she'll have to go and live in a shelter and such.  I said, if you want to spend all your time looking for shelters, go ahead.  *I* would spend my time looking for friends to stay with. 
3.  The other reason I was late posting my blog is that I stupidly installed FireFox on my PC at home.  My PC at home is running on Windows XP.  I rarely use it except for uploading my Garmin data, and although I write and publish most of The Athena Diaries from my iPad, I "fine tune" it on the PC.

Firefox web Browser is like a husband that beats you.  You start thinking, now why did I stop seeing him?  And so you go back, and at first, everything is fine.  And then you start to realize: Oh yes, I deleted it because it SUCKS.  It uses enormous resources and freezes when I'm trying to write.  Then when I tried to download another browser - and don't tell me this is a coincidence - it freezes continuously, requiring computer restarts.  
I'm going to put a note on my computer at home reminding me not to ever, ever go back to Firefox again.

2.  Did I mention she also ate my wheat things without asking?  MY WHEAT THINS.  WITHOUT ASKING.

1.  I'm going to go do an ice cream run now.  Peace out.



  1. I love Firefox. It does not freeze for me. You just don't talk nice to it. Firefox rules the world..... just sayin'

  2. Ok, now you have gone too far. I have ignored certain things like your ridiculously impressive athletic accomplishments, the fact that you have more degrees than me, that your married to possibly the nicest man on the planet because you are smart and funny and I like to be around you, but THIS Kalamazoo Finish Picture.  is just too much!

    Could you look any more athletic? Could you look any hotter?

    A girl can only be expected to take so much.

  3. 1. OMFG! My link thing worked. GO me

    2. You rock. I just had to give you some shit.

    3. I am starting WW with the husband tonight. THAT should be interesting. I love him dearly, but he is no Baboo when it comes to joint activities. I will let you know how that goes.

    Soooo... have some pizza and ice cream for me.

  4. Anonymous7:27 AM

    Hey there- just found your blog and LURVE it, looking forward to reading more, especially as a fellow runner ;-)


  5. that was an awesome party - THANK YOU!!


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