Saturday, August 6

New, improved! The Race Report, now drama-free.

Dear Diary,    

Today, I ran the Socorro Chile Harvest Triathlon today, for the 6th time.  So here are my stats so far for this little sprint (400 m pool swim, 12 mile bike, 5k run).
2006: 1:38 Total. Swim 9:38; Bike, 47:32; Run, 37:38 No place.
2007: 1:36 Total. Swim 6:40; Bike, 53:20; Run, 34:00 3rd place Athena (different venue)
2008: 1:35 Total. Swim, 9:27 Bike, 47:23; Run, 34:31 3rd place Athena
2009: 1:45 Total. Swim 10:12 Bike 55:43, Run, 35:19, No place.
2010: 1:49 Total. Swim 9:59, Bike 1:03, Run 31:48, No place.  

I know, right?  I mean it's like: she got slower.  How did she get slower?  Well, it should be pointed out that as I've mentioned several times, both in 2009 and 2010 I managed to ride with my brakes fully engaged throughout almost the entire 12 mile ride.  

This race managed to seem even more well-run this year. I got there earlier than I usually do, which was awesome because it gave me a chance to futz around and fiddle with my transition area, say hi to people, etc.  It was a seeded swim start, and they somehow had it set up so that when you came back to transition your area would not be crowded. Don't know how they did that, but it was planned that way.  I was #209, and we went into the water in order of bib number.

It seemed less crowded this year.  I went into the water about 7:37.  I decided to relax and focus on my stroke.  Everything seemed to go well this year, including that I didn't have to look at Mr. Junk - I passed a couple of people, and came out of the water at about 9:10 according to Garmin. (2:15 /100 m. pace)

I love the way Garmin tracks swimming.  It can't really track when it's underwater, so you're actually supposed to wear it in your swim cap, but I didn't have a swim cap, so I just wore it on my wrist, and the result was this: 

I know, right?  I mean, I was apparently just swimming all over the place.  And, the swim was hilly.

In T1, I stomped on my towel and thrust my feet into my bike shoes - I never wear socks in sprint triathlons - and grabbed the rest of my stuff and took off.  The bike was just as tough as always. I get passed by lots of people who swim slowly but are much better on the bike than I am.   It goes up an alluvial plane toward a mountain, crosses in front of it, and then turns around and heads back down.  Obviously, the way back is much more fun.  

AND, THIS YEAR, THIS YEAR - I rode without my brakes on  Woot!  And let me tell you, it is so much easier that way.  Garmin says my bike was 45:17, my best time ever.  Avg. speed, 16 mph.  

In T1, I switched to run flats, again without socks, and grabbed my hat, race belt, bottle of cold, cold sports drink (which I had kept in ice), slurped down an e-gel, and grabbed my iced-bandana.  The drink and the bandana were in a small portable cooler full of ice.  
The run wasn't as hot as usual - there was a slight cloud cover, just enough to keep the really hottest part of the sun off us, and I felt pretty good (probably because I didn't ride with my brakes on).  My legs were pretty good since I didn't spend an hour riding with my brakes on: My 5k time time according to Garmin was 31:06, average pace just over 10 minutes per mile.  I started out slowly at about a 10:30 pace, so I must have negative splitted it.

I raced as an age grouper and finished 14/21, so I didn't place, but my total time was 1:32, my best time ever at this little race, so I was happy.  My goal is to break 1:30 next year.  

So that's it.  No drama, no sob stories, nothing entertaining, nothing to see here.  Move along, now...



  1. Nicely done. :) The bike section is the only one that would be fun(ish) for me.

  2. Great job out there. Loved the hilly swim ;)

  3. The swim Garmin stats are killing me! A hilly swim! Who knew? Congrats on the race.


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