I don't hate the idea of resolutions any more. I think it's a fine idea to have goals.
here were my goals for 2007, and how I fared:

Result: Check. You see, it's my firm belief that you should always include goals you'd do anyway. Makes you feel good about yourself. Things like, I will not eat a bug. I will not pet a rat. I will not eat chlorella. Stuff like that.
Also on the short list of virulently green things I did not consume this year: wheat grass juice. Along those same lines, I also resolved not to try to best Dean Karnazes' 50-in-50 feat (check) or run slower than I already do. (check) or eat disgusting water chestnuts (check).
I resolved not to punch out the next person that insists to me that whey is the superior protein and I'm really missing out. Okay, well, they were right, it turns out. I apologize to all the people to whom I've given dirty look over the years. Whey protein's really the shiz.

I did, however, buy a new bike that weighs 19 pounds fully loaded. Does that count?
As for my weight, I am holding steady at somewhere between 158 and 162.
I resolved not to be so bossy in public. Check. Now I just give people "the look." Unfortunately, I have found that the same look that has frozen kids in their tracks for 8 years straight is completely useless in the real world outside the classroom.
I resolved not to go on, ad nauseum, about my sexy toe socks. Okay, I didn't keep this resolution. I just can't help it. In fact, it scored me a free pair, because I couldn't shut up about them to the Injinji people that were at the Las Vegas marathon expo, where I gushed nonstop about how wonderful I think their socks are and practically threw my panties at their tent. They invited me to select a pair, FREE, since I wrote about them on my blog. Or maybe to get rid of me, since I'm clearly disturbed. Whatever. Free sexy toe socks is free sexy toe socks.
I resolved not to criticize every west Texas town about how it smells. Check. I LOVE west texas. Every month except July. And, um, when the stockyards are thawing.
Now, some goals for 2008. Hmmm.
1. I want to do become a "marathon maniac" this year. I'm signed for five marathons in five different states, and if I do the Duke City marathon in late October and then do 3 more in 3 different states in 2009, I can join the 50 states club.
I don't know why that's important.
2. I'd like to do a 50K run this year. I'm already signed up for one, a 50K trail run in northern Alabama. Now let's see if I finish it. Before dark.
3. I'd like to finish Ironman Couer D'Alene before midnight, and this time without crying.
4. I'd like to get down to around 150 pounds this year. (That's 68 kg to our international friends and 10.7 stone for our friends north of the border and across the pond.) My actual goal is to have a lower bodyfat ratio.
5. I resolve to get my professional counselor's license this summer.
6. I resolve to lower the amount of fat in my d

7. Once again (3rd year's the charm?), I'm shooting for a 30 minute (or less) 5K. This year, I was able to do a sub-10-minute pace for one mile on 3 different occasions. Now I'd like to do it three times in a row, in the same event.
8. I'd like to bring my run volume up to at least 20 miles a week, consistently, for 3 weeks each month.
9. I resolve to clean out the den/study.
10. I resolve to write more silly haikus. Like these:
in front of the gym.
thin out if I put free cake
11. I will not consume wheat grass juice and chlorella, no matter how good woo-woo people claim they are for me. >shudder<
13. I will try to talk more like a grownup and less like a high school freshman. I will say intelligent things like, "that's quite commendable" instead of, "that's the shiz" and "I don't care for that," instead of "that sucks."
14. Oh, yeah...be a better person, make the world a better place, yada, yada, yada.