
What I Learned This Season

Thus my second full season as a triathlete draws to a close. During this year, I did fewer races, but more long course stuff. I finished the following:
  • Sprint triathlons - 9
  • Duathons - 3
  • Olympics - 3
  • Half Irons -2
  • Full Iron - 1
  • 10K run - 1
  • Marathon - 1

And here's what I learned during 2007, either indirectly or directly from my racing season, in no particular order:

  1. DFL > DNF >> DNS.
  2. Very few people are all good, but even fewer are all bad.
  3. You don't get the family that you wish you had. You get the family that you get. (How I learned this is a long story about how I chose Kentucky for my first Ironman based on its proximity to the few relatives I still have, and their complete lack of interest in it. Wah, wah. A moment of self-pity. There. Now it's over.)
  4. I can be injured. I can overdo it.
  5. I will never be willowy, and that's okay. Willowy women tend not to do endurance events well. They're too, well, willowy.
  6. It's easy to be Vegan, but it's really hard to be a Vegan endurance athlete. It's nearly impossible to be a family of Vegan endurance athletes.
  7. I have great friends, which more than makes up for #3, above. I also have the world's best mother-in-law.
  8. If I train, triathlons get easier. Who knew?
  9. I have a laziness threshhold, and it lies somewhere between "long and flat" and "Short and challenging"

  10. Pirate is a good friend. We take turns supporting each other's worries, self-doubt, and paranoia when we're PMS-ing. Hopefully, we'll never PMS at the same time, because I think the universe would fold in on itself.

  11. Everyone who toes the start line wonders how well they'll do.
  12. I must have running shoes with a big, wide, toe box.
  13. I. Am. NOT. LAZY.
  14. If I work out at least 4 days a week after work then I enjoy life more, like myself more, like my job more, and am much less anxious.
  15. Race nutrition, and what is or is not tolerated, is extremely individual. It also changes over time.
  16. No matter how well built a GPS device is, it will not withstand going under the wheel of a Honda Fit.
  17. No matter how well-built a Honda Fit is, it will not withstand a direct hit by a Ford F250.
  18. I, on the other hand, can withstand much; I'm much tougher than I ever thought I could be, emotionally and physically.
  19. I may have permanantly influenced at least one of my children to lead an active life.
  20. High school freshmen are more impressed by tattoos than they are by finishing an Ironman.