Sunday, March 30

He's done!

I did about 46 miles this morning on the bike. It was easier than I expected; I don't know what I keep thinking that I'll always have to start from ground zero. That brings my mileage for this week to around 100 miles for the bike, but only 9 for running since I took a week off after the Grasslands marathon. I got in 4000 meters of swimming.

Just got a call a bit ago from Sweet Baboo. He finished the Bataan in just under 5 hours. He said it was tough (cha! it's like, 26 miles across the Southern New Mexico desert with lots of deep sand). "Go-go" Maria Ladd was first female (I think he said she did it in 3:28) and 3rd runner overall.

This is his fifth marathon in 4 months. What a freak I married--a big, happy, sweaty freak whose shoes are full of sand, I'll bet. I can't wait for him to get home and tell me all about it, and for him to turn off this damned pager that's been going off for 6 hours.

Thought for the day: Everyone can do more than they think they can. --David Horton.



  1. You two are just so amazing!

  2. Anonymous12:45 AM

    Thanks for the update!

    Food for S.B., and for Maria as well!

  3. You are one lucky gal! You picked well...

  4. Awesome job on the bike; awesome job your husband did with Bataan; awesome TOES!


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