Yesterday afternoon, after my last parent-teacher conference, I was finally convinced by Pirate and SW TriGal to get checked out in the ER. There, I learned several things:
1) It is as bad as they say: Far, far worse than going to the DMV and the Verizon store combined, and I was at a small suburba hospital where I wasn't preempted by gunshots or car accients. After waiting 2 hours for a procedure that I was to have "in about 25 minutes" I was calm outside, but inside I was screaming, AAAAAUUUUUUGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!
2) My pain is not "abdominal." It is "pelvic."
3) They are free with the painkillers, y'all. Take them. Right after my ultrasound, they offered me morphine. Uh, WHAT? I asked for ibuprofin instead. I regretted that later.
4) Contrast iodine going through a vein feels a lot like you'd imagine hydrofluoric acid would feel.
5) I have a cyst on each ovary, and some sort of pelvic infection.
6) I can run "as well as I feel like running" on Saturday.
That last one was the most unhelpful. I went in around 2 and left around 9:15 pm, and was hoping that at least once during that time somebody would say, "you should run, because it will make you feel better," or, "you should not run, it will make things worse." Alas, that was not to be, i.e. "If you feel like running, run."
I was given a cocktails of antibiotics through an IV and a couple of pills and sent on my way with a diagnosis of "some sort of infection, probably in your uterus" and a prescriptions for percocet. I'm going to appear the decision with my primary doc. The pain is enough that I can't tell most of the time if I have to pee or not and I've gotten weird diagnoses from this ER before.
Meanwhile, today, Baboo, Mini-baboo, and I will head out to Texas, and by the end of the day I will have decided on whether or not to drop back to the half-marathon at the Grasslands. It's my hope that by the end of the day I'll feel enough better to make that decision. Right now, I feel like curling up into a fetal position and sleeping some more. I'll keep y'all posted.
Spring Break awaits!