Monday, March 17

Random, completely OCD stuff about me.

I collect Google pictures, did you know that? I love holidays and designated days, because I log in and see the special "Google" symbol. Then I right-click and save it. I don't know why. I don't want to, I have to. I've been doing it for several years now. As my hard drive was failing a couple months ago, after I'd saved my thesis files and most of my mp3s, I saved my Google pictures folder.

Here's some of my collection:

(And this is just of some of the ones from my work computer. My home computer has a much bigger selection.)

In other news, I got up at 4:30, hit the gym, swam 1000 meters, and was at work at 6:25 before most of the other teachers got there. I RULE.
In a surprisingly lucid moment, I packed my car last night with everything I would need today: 2 lunches (it's parent-teacher conference week, so I'll be at work for 12 hours), all my books for working on my thesis, my fully-stocked gym bag, including flat-iron and clothes for work--even underwear this time!--so that all I would have to do this morning is fall out of bed and into my swimsuit. Good thing, too, because I found myself walking around in circles bleary-eyed at 4:45 while my car was warming up: Where are my keys? Oh, they're in the car. Where is my lunch? Do I have the right lunch packed? Where is my PowerBar? Oh, it's in my hand. What did I pack? What do I need for work today? Okay, I think that's in the car, too. My pants are on backwards. WHERE ARE MY KEYS?Where are my shoes?

It felt good to be back at the gym, too, even though my swim is painfully slow. I didn't wear my watch, so I don't know just how slow (I wanted to feel good about it, so that was a deliberate decision on my part) but I know that in the same amount of time Sweet Baboo completed about 1400 meters. So there you go.


  1. Collecting the Google pictures is a bit OCD, no doubt about it!

    I have 4 bags waiting for me, one for each "sport", and I normally pack at least 2-3 bags in advance just so I don't have to worry if I have all the right stuff in the morning. Okay, maybe that's a little OCD, I like to think of it as being organized :)

  2. I like those Googlies, too. Wonder why they don't have one today (St.Patrick).

    I have different bags for my different sports. One for the gym, one for yoga and one for swimming, so I don't need to repack stuff which invariably leads to me forgetting half the things I need.

  3. There is nothing OCD about me!

    There is nothing OCD about me!

    There is nothing OCD about me!

    There is nothing OCD about me!

    There is nothing OCD about me!

    There is nothing OCD about me!

    There is nothing OCD about me!

    There is nothing OCD about me!

    So, how many mommies and daddies will show up to see how well little scooter is doing?

    I say less than 30%

  4. Ha! I LOVE those Google thingies, too!

    Congrats on the early (yawn!) gym visit, and best wishes for enjoyable parent/teacher conferences! We had ours last week! PHEW...over and OUT!

  5. P.S.: They DID have a St. Pat's Google thingie today.

  6. Underwear is key. I wear my swim cossie to the pool and have routinely forgotten panties and bras. Bras are the worst to forget. Panties you can survive without... unless you're wearing a skirt.

    I save comics I like and images from and pictures with goats. And then rarely look at them again.

  7. Gyms must open really early there!
    Remember, slow is relative. There are people out there who don't exercise (sorry for shocking you) also SB likes to impress his dear wife so he was probably going extra fast.

  8. I did not know about the google thing. they are pretty cool.

    I totally pack my sh*t the night before - and I'm a 1 sport per bag packer too. My work clothes go in a bag all by themselves.

    maybe triathlete = ocd...

  9. Way to go on 1000 meters. I figure every little bit counts!

  10. Who. Knew. ??? I never even noticed that google changed their image for holidays....I'll start paying attention now.

  11. It is WAY too hard to figure stuff out in the morning AND make a 5:30 swim. I alway pack the stuff the night before. I am still struggling with going straight from the pool to work and I still come home first and I still get to work later than I should every day. Good thing I'm not a teacher.

  12. I always pack the night before also and have seperate bags of everthing. I shower so much at the gym there is more stuff in my bag than in my own shower.

  13. I like the Google pics too. I never thought about saving them though. It makes me wonder if there's some guy at Google that does nothing but photoshop the Google logo for special events.

  14. 4:30? Are you kidding me??


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