I was at my stylist's last Friday waiting for my appointment and saw this picture in people magazine.
I don't really know who she is, and just in case you do, I don't care who she is. I don't watch anything these days but Netflix movies and comedy central. I DO like that haircut, though, so I asked my stylist if I could wear something like that, and he was all OMG, you could TOTALLY wear that! And I could do it!
I told him that I tried a cute cut last year, but it just never stood up to my lifestyle. It looked fine as lone as I sat still and stayed out of the wind. I told him that and and he flipped a towel at me. That's because you didn't have ME for your stylist.
It was the day before the annual Pride parade, and he was all full of pride, a day early, and I told him so. But, I believed him, and I even let him take me darker, which he swore would make me look younger. I'm not convinced. I've been a bottle blonde too long, I guess. But I do like the cut.
It's passed several important tests, in which it still looked decent after the following:
1) The, I-just-ran-a-mountain-trail-marathon-wearing-a-visor-sweating-profusely test (Saturday afternoon).
2) The bicycle-helmet-for-30-miles test (Sunday morning).
3) The, I-ran-a-marathon-and-my-bike-30-miles-the-next-day-and-so-badly-sunburned-I-still-haven't-taken-a-shower (Phewwww, Sunday night) test.
Meanwhile, the BRA arrived, shipped to me from Moving Comfort to review. I wore it to the trail marathon on Saturday. It passed a couple of very important tests:
1) I forgot I was wearing it.
2) It held the girls in place without being too restrictive.
3) I didn't wear any body glide, and even when I wore it alone as a top I had no chaffing
4) I was able to drop a handful of ice in my cleavage, and it stayed (meaning that there was good, "separation" which is a bra-specific term, guys.
The final test for the bra will be IM 70.3 Buffalo Springs Lake. Then I'll write my review.