Thursday, July 8

The adventure--or insanity--continues. Thursday 13.

Dear Diary,

13.  My training is now focused on Redman in September, my "A" race for the year.  This is where I did my first half iron, and so I've seen the course.  I just have to do everything I did twice.  At Kentucky, my goal was to finish.  At Ironman Couer D'Alene, my goal was to beat the moon (moonrise that day was around 11:20.  I finished around 11:16 pm).  So, my goal at Redman.  Well, it's mostly flat.  There might be wind, or rain, but barring too much crazy weatherness, I've decided I'd like to come in before 10:30 pm.  We'll see.

12.  I've had to put a lot of stuff on hold this year because of grad school; it's severely limited my ability to train.  But it hasn't limited my ability to have completely insane ideas.  Having said that, I am considering the Javalina Jundred.  It's usually Halloween weekend.  The JJ is a 100-mile course that is six 15.5-mile loops and then a shorter loop at the end.  If you make it through 4 loops and then drop, you get the 100K "Wimp Out" buckle.
I totally want something that says I "Wimped Out" by only covering 64 miles.

11.  I will almost certain do the Ghost Town 38.5 in January.  Because I.  am an IDIOT.  But mostly because I like the folks at this race.  This year, I think we're going to find a hotel outside of Kingston or Hillsboro; since they hate runners so much there I won't burden them with my dollars.

10.  I am also considering the Rocky Racoon 100-miler this next February.  I've seen nearly all of the course, and run the 50-miler at Rocky.  It's cool, shady, and nearly flat.  Here's my race report on that.  You may recall that this race is where:  Alligators Exist.
In the Park.

9. The first weekend of December is Rock n Roll Las Vegas.  When we first did this a couple years ago, we thought that the run-through wedding chappel, that is usually before mile 5, would be a cool way to renew our vows.  We tentatively decided at that time that we'd do it at year 10.  That's this year.  So: Las Vegas, here we come.  Time to get out the Elvis and Pricilla outfits again!       

8.    Each week at work has a theme.
Some weeks, the theme was "solidly psychotic young children".
Another week it was "hey, can I drop off my PITA teenager in your psych ward?"

This week's theme appears to be, "hey, is it okay if I show up for my appointment 20 or 30 minutes late?  This has included people calling me 15 minutes after their appointment asking me where I was located. Then they get all pee-pee hearted when I tell them they have to reschedule.     

7.  I have an ambitious plan to try to run to the "Y" next week on Wednesday morning (3.5 milies), swim, and then run back home (total of 7 miles).  I'll write about how it goes.  It's not a flat run I'm contemplating.

6.  I've been blending cold watermelon into my Crystal Lite Peach and Mango Green tea, and drinking it after each run.  Oh. My. God.  It's unbelievably good.  I'm tempted to buy some more, cube them, and freeze them just for this purpose.  I thought was allergic to them, but it turns out I'm allergic to cantaloup melons, not watermelons.  Yumm.

5.  How creepy is this picture?  I ask you.  
I found it when I did an image search for watermelon.  

4. I'm all out of contacts.  Due to my tragic habit of procrastination, I'm wearing my big old nerd glasses until I make it to the eye doctor.

3.  I've learned that high winds make Chloe nervous.  Ever had a 55 pound dog jump up in your lap and try to curl up for protection?    

2.  Baboo bought me some slacks for work since mine don't fit anymore and YES, he is good at picking out clothes for me and NO, you can't, he's taken.

Anyway.  The pants have swishy flared legs. I didn't think I'd like them, but now I'm hoping the style sticks around for a while, because I like the swishiness when I walk.  I feel all cool, like I should be doing the Hustle.  If you don't get that reference, then you're probably too young to understand the occasional "hot flash" references I make here, too.

1.  I'm so glad to be running again.  I'm a bit worried about a pain I have on the top of my right food after each run.  I has that "sprain" kind of feel but it's on top of my foot and I only feel it when toeing off straight forward.
Hopefully, it will turn out to be nothing.  I'm not up to being injured again.


  1. Wow, you are a very brave soul! Those are some wicked sounding races. I wish you the best on all of them!

  2. I doooo so love when you get an attack of the crazy! Woo hoo! It is on! Let's kick 2010 in the arse!

    Rocky is looking more and more like the 50 miler I will chose, so I sure hope you can get out there for the revenge 50 or for the 100 (you are so bad ass! That makes me giggle with excitement just typing it!)

    Colossal comment by the numbers:

    #6. I am so trying that. I am struggling in the diet arena and need new "treats"

    #4. I think your glasses are super cute. Mine are industrial strength to hold up to my penchant for falling asleep while reading in bed.

    #3. Awwwww. Love it. You are totally her mommy now.

    #2. Fine. Stingy. I absolutely adore my mine, but yours is pretty cute too. ;)

    And yes, I included the above snarky comment since I am INSANE with jealously that your pants do not fit. Mine don't fit either, but not in the good way. *sigh*

    #1. I hope that turns out to be nothing. :( No more injuries are allowed. You have had your quota of bad shit this year.

  3. Hope the foot is nothing...

    What are you studying in grad school? I'm curious as I graduated at the age of 45 with my PhD in clinical psychology...and considering your work, well, I thought we may be on similar paths! :)

  4. Who ever thought "burn victim with frostbitten nose and green head wrap" was a good idea? Yuck!

  5. Thank you, thank you for this blog. I want to be you when I grow up. Or, more to the point, I want to be like you in 10 years.

    All spring I have been on-and-offing whether I could complete a short course duathlon without killing myself. But I'm 38, 5'9" and 220 lb. I've never, not ever, been thin; my lowest weight was 170 in high school. I'll never be "thin." I've never been athletic.

    My DH (who is also my sweet baboo!) kept saying "yes, you can do a du" but I was having a hard time believing him. Until I went to and found out that there were LOTS and LOTS of women like me and they were called Athenas. And then I found your blog. And then I signed up for the Minneapolis Duathlon fun course in August. 1.5/11/1.5 miles, in Vibram Five Fingers, on a hybrid bike, but it's a start, no?

    In 10 years, I'll be 48. My kids (all five of them, between baboo and me, second marriage for both of us) will be 20, 20, 18, 17, and 17. And I want them to know that they can do anything they set their minds to. So thank you thank you thank you for the inspiration. Please keep writing.

  6. Check out my new community blog ... maybe contribute a photo ro story ... best of luck this season!!

  7. Your race list is inspiring me to get off my much larger than size 10 butt. Sounds like a great few months ahead!

  8. Oooh! Thanks for reminding me about the Las Vegas Rock n Roll Marathon. Maybe that's next year's vacation!

  9. I'll see you at Redman! I'm doing my first Half!!! Well, maybe I'll see you... you know what I mean. Would love to meet you in real life!!!


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