
My body remembers too well.

A few days ago I wrote about how I might have to change my registration because I was 5 pounds below the cutoff for Athenas at the Oklahoma REDMAN, which I'm running on Saturday.
It is to laugh. With all the carbs and sodium I've been ingesting, it's truly disheartening how quickly my body responded.

"Oh, you want to gain weight? Well, why didn't you say so??"
BOINGGG. Three pounds up so far.
I would have appreciated a little more of a struggle with this endeavor.

I spent today clearing up and entering all grades for my students. Tomorrow, I start writing plans for my sub while I'm on my way to Oklahoma (Thursday and Friday). When ordering subs, one never knows if they'll get someone with a degree in science or someone who cannot spell the word 'science' without a spellchecker, so the lesson plans have to be clear, easy, and straightforward. Plans have to be made. Good behavior extorted from 90 eighth-graders.

5 days until the REDMAN.
