Saturday, March 31

Niche Markets

I got my periodic mailing from Zombie Runner and saw that there's a new electrolyte kid on the block to compete with Nuun. I've gotten quite fond of Nuun in my long run training; it's this little effervenscant (sp?) tablet that you drop in 20 ounces (or so) of water. You get a light taste (3 flavors), no sugars, and lots of electrolyte goodness. Nuun, I will tell you, is also a sponsor of the New Mexico Outlaws. I went to the Zym website to investigate.

Zym has fewer electrolytes than Nuun and it's more expensive. I noted that in their "comparison" page, they compared themselves to standard sports drinks and didn't even mention the existance of Nuun.

Zym, you're a wanna be. You'll never convince me to leave our precious, beloved Nuun. NEVAH!


  1. I used a couple tablets thursday and liked it a whole lot more than the last time I tried it...I may be a future fan...

  2. As soon as things heat up, I'll be downing the Nuun. If it's good enough for Desiree Ficker.....


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