For nutrition, I took along some Kroger "In an instant" sugar-free performance drink, which is sugar free and has electrolytes, and some gels, which I took about every 1/2 hour or so. The reason I drink sugar-free drinks is because of a situation with my tooth enamel, but they aren't for everyone.
Clothing: My new Brooks Vapor Dry running hoodie, which has a nice little pocket for my ipod in the upper left front, and built-in mitties that cover my hands if I want them or fold up into cuffs if I don't. I also wore my Cw-x insulated running tights, which I LLOOVVe because they keep my junk from jiggling as well as keep me warm, my sexy Injinji toe socks (pink) and my new Nike hatphones.
I was probably one of the last people on earth to know about hatphones, but now I know there are headbands and earmuffs with music headphones in them. The hat phones are AWESOME. The hat sits loosely on my head and keeps me warm. I found out I can wear less when my head is warm. The hat came with an

I've gotten beyond using music for pacing now, I use it for upbeat background music on my long runs. I mostly run out in the desert, and the only noise there is out there is dogs barking and engine brakes in the distance.
But, sometimes when I'm running I will get distracted by every little thing, especially my headphones. I slow down or stop to fiddle with the cord, put them back in my ear, what have you. The earphones in this hat are not in my ear, leaving me free to hear what's going on around me if I need to, and just have the music as what it should be, kind of a background
soundtrack for my mood.
Since the hat is hand-wash only, I wore a sweat band underneath, and then took off, and was never once distracted by a cord or earphones. I've since found that there is another hat with built-in headphones that is about half the price, but I don't know how good it is.
The hat phones are a great option for being able to have some tunes and still hear what's going on around you. (It won't, you know, save you from the guy in the hockey mask with the sythe coming up behind you, but then nothing ever does. )
The Vapor Dry pullover is my new best friend now. I wore it over a l/s technial running shirt, and temps were in the 40's. I was very comfy, but the hood on this thing is rediculous. It's incredibly tight for my great big head, so I never use it. I'd recommend just getting the half zip and supplying your own hat. Other than that, perfect. If I could change just one thing it would be for it to zip all the way down the front.
On a lesser note, the Ironman heartstrap is now, for some reason, wearing a hole in my flesh each and every time I use it. What's up with that? It didn't use to do that. Gonna have to put a bandaid there, I guess.
Happy New Year!
ReplyDeleteWow, I had never heard of this hatphone-that's cool!
ReplyDeleteI've had the same problem with the heart rate monitors. I had to give it a rest for a while and still have a scar there. I've tried alternating body glide and neosporin and they seem to help. I've resorted to just not wearing it on long runs. Best of luck in your marathon and thanks for the uplifting blogs. I read nearly every day!
ReplyDeleteah, but the half-zip doesn't seem to have the mitties - which I view as the best part of the thing! I heart my top too.
ReplyDeletenope, you were not the last one! And thanks for the gratuitious boob shot a couple posts ago. Feel free, in '08, to include more boobage in your blog.
ReplyDeleteHi, Misty! Another great post! I love the product reviews!
ReplyDeleteI am a brand new runner (less than a year), and I have a question I'm hoping you can help me with: When I run longer than, say, 45 minutes, my clothes' waistband (either shorts or undies) rubs on my back and leaves a darkish mark that doesn't go away...any ideas for me? Short of NOT wearing underwear? ha ha!
Nope, I'm the last one. Never heard of hatphone, but definitely NEED ONE.
ReplyDeleteMisty, yes, I'm still and Athena, went backwards in '07 on the weight loss, so I'm far far away from *not* being one (nor do I think it is in my genes).
Fatmom, really runners go commando -- just use bodyglide!
I HAVE to have one of those hatphones. Never heard of them but I have quite a time getting earphones to stay in my tiny ears so that may be a solution. have you tried vasoline for the heartstrap?
ReplyDeleteI wound up doing about 10.5 miles on Sunday, not taking my Garmin along because I just wanted to do a nice, slow easy run 6 days before my ... nikepullover.blogspot.de