Friday, January 18

Another good reason to run.

Just a little while ago Sweet Baboo walked in to find me relaxing in a hot garden tub bath. "Whatcha doin'?" he asked rhetorically.

"I'm relaxing," I boasted. "And it's everything I thought it could be."

He opened his mouth to say something, and then closed it. He puttered around for awhile, putting on jogging clothes, and then wanted to say something again. Then he didn't, and he went out for a run.

He wanted to say, "you should be running. You've been getting angry and depressed and it's the only thing that helps you."

He probably also wanted to say, "You have a 31-mile ultra marathon in 4 weeks, and you need to be out running. You haven't done much running since your last maraton 2 weeks ago."

He may have even been thinking, "I want you to have a good time at the Black Warrior 50K. You won't have a good time if you aren't trained for it."

But, alas; like many a man who loves a woman, he lives in the shadow of uncertainty. He is, like many a well-meaning man, cowed by PMS, and my general moodiness. And so, he is silent.

I don't feel like running. But I need to, exactly because I don't feel like it. And the stuff that he's thinking? Well, he's right. I love him for his uncertainty, and his hesitation, and his love for me, and his worry and fear of reprisal.

And so I'm going for a run.



  1. It is a fine line as to when "I don't feel like it" translates into a real reason not to run. Or bike. Or swim.

    I feel like I am only just learning what that line is (going into my second season doing triathlon) and, for now, it is doing every single workout in the absence of a real reason not to (illness, emergency, etc), whether I feel like it or not.

    Nice post.

  2. Way to go getting out the door.

  3. Give that man a huge hug!

    Sometimes the unspoken word is more powerful than those spoken.

  4. since you "warmed up" first, i bet it was an awesome run! way to get out there, misty!

    what relay are you doing?? i'm doing ragnar del sol the end of feb and my leg has 31.9 miles. starting to get a little worried...

  5. Oh, it's not a relay. It's a 50K in northern Alabama on President's Day weekend. My first ultra.

  6. 50k in one race? You so rock.

  7. You have a wonderful hubby and good for you for getting out there and running.

  8. What a wise man! :)

  9. You guys... I just want to bottle you and send you to every unhappy marriage in the world ((hugs))
    (I hope that didn't come out too creepy)

  10. you two do have a great marriage! You're very lucky to have each other!!!

  11. LISTEN to that sweet baboo of will thank him later! :-0

  12. Anonymous9:56 PM

    you know the three wisemen? you know what made them so wise? knowing when to leave their women alone during PMS.

  13. I did go. It was in the teens, with a stiff blasting wind in my face most of the time, but I got a few miles in and felt better for it.



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