Thursday, June 4

New from Mattel, it's PMS Barbie (R)

I feel heavy.

I feel slow.

I feel tired.

I feel panicky - not ready for the sprint tri I have this weekend, or the marathon 1 week after that, or the half iron 2 weeks after THAT.

I feel bored.

I feel unmotivated.

I feel hungry--for all the wrong foods.




  1. I know I shouldn't laugh...
    But can I snicker???

  2. I hope those feelings pass quickly.
    If not,
    tri some good old fashion comfort foods and a glass of wine.

  3. Ack!!! The pic of the bloated Barbie is too funny!!! Hope u feel better soon...

  4. PMS barbie is priceless. I need one of those. Thanks for making me laugh.

    Boda Weight Loss Blog

  5. THAT is funny (PMS Barbie, that is). I'm out of town and not keeping up. Which Sprint are you doing? The hard thing about Sprints is that they make you stretch your limits--but the good thing about Sprints is that they wake up muscles and tweak your body to a new and better place. Truly.
    You've done all this before. Trust in yourself.

  6. Just keep doing what you are doing and the whole menopause thing will be done before you know it!

    Also - a 70.3 2 weeks after a marathon? Whoa! You are my hero.

  7. Beware or you'll end up like this:

    New Homely Doll To Improve Self-Image Of Young Girls

    "Modestly priced at $7.99, each Plain Pamela doll comes prepackaged with a variety of unflattering and ill-fitting blouses to drape over her shapeless torso, as well as a packet of paste-on psoriasis spots to apply along her arms and back."

    one extreme to another - can't wait to see Ken's extreme.

  8. I know this is a older post and you have already rocked out the sprint and have the hardware to prove it, but ...


    9 days out from Ironman, that can't be good, right?

    (Sorry, I am SPAMMING the hell out of you today. My bad.)


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