Wednesday, September 16

Thursday Thirteen

Arranged topically, for browsing convenience.

1. CYCLING: With regard to doing two triathlons with my brakes rubbing on my tire: I suppose that if I cycled more often I would recognize when my bike needs working on...naaaah. I'll just check it over more carefully before races from now on.

2. WEATHER. I love fall. Looooooove it. Did I mention I love fall? Yeah, baby.

3. TRIATHLON. I'm a bit relieved the season is over. I was feeling a bit burned out.

4. RUNNING. This year, I have a better place to run, that's easier to get to, and of course my leg isn't broken or nearly so, so that's good. I'm hoping to get speedier by doing lots of hill work.

5. BRUSSEL SPROUTS. These blow up in the microwave if you microwave them too long. I did not know that before yesterday. They sound almost like popcorn when they explode. (They don't taste or smell like it.)

6. ANTS. Where the hell are all these coming from? I thought we had a deal: They stay outside; I garden organically. They are forcing me to buy some nasty, ethyl-methyl-bad-stuff granules to banish them. Forcing. Me.

7. LAZY. My dishwasher is not working right. I hate washing dishes. And yet I'm so lazy--pay attention here--that it's easier to just really wash everything before putting it in rather than search through papers to find out if we got an extended warranty on it.

8. POOP. I see all kinds of it when I'm running. The kind that never seems to wash away, blow away, or otherwise degrade is dog poo. BAG-it, please!! The scariest poo is the large piles with fruit and seeds in it: this is bear poo. I've seen it very close to where I live.

9. OFF-SEASON. I can now focus on my weight since I have fewer races, targeting that stubborn 25 pounds from last winter that won't budge. I will come back next season lighter and faster. I will. You'll see.

10. THYROID STUFF. My pharmacology teacher is a genetics researcher, former pediatrician, psychiatrist, professor, a runner AND hypothyroid. He pointed out that all of my symptoms (e.g., my weight) are not remedied. When I mentioned that my numbers were good, he said, "numbers aren't the whole story. Remember what we've discussed in class: partial relief of symptoms after an appropriate trial suggests a different formulation should be considered."

11. HERBS. I'm experimenting with CLA and bitter orange. More on this later.

12. CROSS-TRAINING: I'm doing Yoga twice a week while unemployed; it helps me be not so stressed about being a bum. Plus, it's great core work. The class I attend is 90 minutes long and this morning, my shoulders, hips, and upper arms have that little soreness that says, " you actually worked us" Core work is really important for marathons and beyond. You know that slumpy feeling you have at the end of a long run? Core work helps that a lot.

13. SENIORS. No, not the high school kind. I like going to the gym during the day; I feel like that young hottie student babe instead of middle-aged and unemployed. Remember: it's all about perspective.



  1. You crack me up....I'm kind of glad Tri season is over too.

  2. #13! I often swim during the day ~ the same time as water aerobics for the more mature crowd ~ I love being in the locker room after their class. It's fun to hear them chat but I also feel like a goddess in my 40 year old skin vs. their 80. Is that bad?

  3. Yes. And now you can feel like a goddess AND a bad, bad girl.

  4. Love your blog. So glad that I discovered it!

  5. I'm with you on the weight loss. I'm getting sick of hauling around this extra poundage while running. Still trying to reach pre-baby weight 3.5 years later!!!

    I work from home, so I am always at the gym during the day time...Now that I've changed gyms (am now at the Y, they have a pool), I see an exponentially larger proportion of seniors than at my old gym.

    I ADORE the Kettle Salt & Vinegar potato chips. I craved them when I was preggo. I still do now, but I can't keep them in the house, they won't last.

  6. I keep forgetting that you are not going to be at B2B and I feel a little disappointed every time it comes up. Boo.

    As for the ants - go to the drugstore or hardware store and buy some Boric Acid. (recipe here ) The ants find it and take it back to the ant hill and feed it to the queen. Poof! No more ants.

  7. #9

    YES!!!! Me too! You will do it!

  8. In a way I am also glad I decided to close out the 2009 tri season.. except that I'm already thinking about races in 2010. Just going to be be happy focusing on running events for now.

    We're still trying to regulate my meds for my Thyroid. In fact, just today my last labs dictated yet another "formulation" of doseages. After being at this for so many months, I thought I'd be closer. We'll see what happens in another 4 weeks.

  9. Bear poo? Eeek!
    That is so not a photo of you


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