Thursday, July 10

Marathon #9 on the Calendar

Okay, Coeur D'Alene was my 8th official marathon in my 8th official state ever, and one of my goals was to get my 10th in by the end of this year so that I can join the 50 states club. There's no real practical reason to do this. It's just that, well, it's a goal, and goals are nice to have, so, why not do one in my home town?

The New Mexico Marathon is on August 31st, and that will be state #9 (and the 6th one year) The course is one where the first 16 miles I've actually ridden my bike on. Also if I sign up by July 30th, I get a "free" wicking T-shirt.
Because. I can always use a free shirt. To add to all my other free shiRts. I'm calling out my local peeps: Dread Pirate, SWTriGal and H, Cindy and Lisa to do this one too.
C'mon, girls! I mean, it's a FREE TECH SHIRT!
(for only $68)

Added later: There's also a HALF marathon going at the same time.

According to this course profile. It's not as bad as it looks, but it appears that you run up to the top of a mountain and then roll downhill for four miles.

Seriously, that first uphill will get your attention and as the downhills can be hard on the quads, it's good to practice them.
And coolness: I can practice on the course itself!

Oh, one more thing: Em. >Sheepish grin and blush<

I was in the local paper.



  1. Anonymous4:47 AM

    Yes -- it's fabulous!

  2. Look at you all famous and stuff.
    Great article!

  3. Very nice piece - FUN!

  4. Very cool - yours is a story for the rest who say they can't.

  5. Wow! How cool is that?!

  6. Cool! 2 MA's? Crap I need help trying to finish mine now!

  7. You are ROCKING the marathons! I'm going to check out those book recommendations. Great article!!

  8. Oh, by the way, I found and posted a new "fat picture" on my blog. Stop by and have a look. I, myself, love fat pictures. When said person is no longer fat of course. Otherwise they are no fun at all!

  9. That is so cool the paper interviewed you . And did it well. Sometimes these stories make people look like "lunatic fringe". This story didn't do that.

  10. So cool! Famouser than Captain Kangaroo!

    They have the link wrong for beginnertriathlete, though!

  11. You are now registered for the New Mexico Marathon :-)

    Yep, it's all in a days work.

  12. Nice article. You really are an inspiration!

  13. Oh wow, that's great!!

  14. Great article that I'm sure will encourage others!

  15. It's your 15 minutes! What a great article. You have just served as an inspiration to a lot of people. Way to go!

  16. Cool! you're famous!!

  17. Msybe the half, but I'll have to see how my training is progressing. I'm way behind where I should be, but wouldn't rule out catching back up in a few weeks.

    Is the nifty t-shirt for the half too?

  18. Anonymous1:41 PM

    I'm in for the marathon...just need to get registered.

    Great article!!

  19. That's a great article.

  20. Great article-you deserve the recognition.

    You find the most interesting courses. Ever run anything flat??LOL.

  21. Well, most of New Mexico is on the southeast end of the Rockies, and full of extinct volcanoes and canyons, so, no. Not a lot of flat places. those are all down south. And they're hot and WINDY.

  22. Anonymous1:17 AM

    Great article....

  23. That is SO cool. You really are amazing, and now lots more people know it! Congrats.

  24. Fantastic article.

  25. Great article! The nod you way is well deserved.


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