Monday, July 7

Oldest woman to make the American Olympic swim team.

Torres, 41, Sets Records At Olympic Swim Trials

Click here to listen to the story. Morning Edition,July 7, 2008 · The U.S. swimming trials were held in Ohama, Neb., to decide who would make the Olympic team. Steve Inskeep talks with USA Today columnist Christine Brennan about who made the team and the records set by 41-year-old Dara Torres, the oldest American swimmer to ever make the Olympic team.


New York Times Story: "A Swimmer of a Certain Age"


Hell, yeah. You go, girl!


  1. Amazing, and her swimming is good also!

  2. Cha. I for one would not looking like that particular athlete! She is HAWT!

  3. Yeah for "old" ladies...

    (But Rowdie Gaines spent WAY too much time on the fact that she is 41 in my opinion. Older women CAN and DO some pretty amazing things and look great doing it!)

    PS I want her ab routine! wow!

  4. She is so awesome! But there really should be a law against looking that good at 41. More power to her-I hope she wins everything!

  5. Torres is awesome!!!! I want to swim just like her someday!!

  6. Anonymous9:33 AM

    That is amazing!!

  7. She is amazing and I hope she kicks some ass in Bejing.

    Gives us "certain age-ers" a lot of cred....

  8. She is indeed amazing -- and very competetive. And proof that athletes don't need to "retire" at a "certain age."

  9. she is a superstud. she now goes on my list of awesome women/mommies who are also superduper athletes - along with Maya Pederson, who won a gold for Women's Skeleton during the last winter olympics.

    the world needs more superheroes.

    man, she is ripped!

  10. Isn't she incredible? I read a recent article. I know she's plagued by steroid allegations, and I'm inclined to believe her. I hope it's true. Marion Jones vehemently denied steroid use too and look what happened with her. I believe her though, I just hope I'm not proven wrong some day.

  11. What an amazing woman. To have the focus to compete at that level for so many years is unbelievable.

  12. Count me in the "fingers crossed that this is natural and legit" crowd. I'll be cheering her on....don't let me down.

  13. she's my new hero, and her arms are particularly AMAZING (the rest of her is too, but I'm in awe at her arms)

  14. I agree with everyone BUT I hope she doesn't give everyone who is 40-something and not a super-duper-ripped six-pack-of-steel yet another reason to feel bad about our softer slower bodies, which are also awesome!

  15. I KNOW!!! I love her!!!

  16. Anonymous6:11 PM

    God she's stunning - if only.....

  17. I loved watching the race. OMG. I just stared in amazement. Did you see the finish when she put the medal around her daughter's neck!

    It was just perfect!


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