Monday, April 27

Somebody to run for.

On May 2, I'm doing a walk for the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill. This organization is close to my heart, no, not because SOME people think I'm mentally ill for doing ultramarathons and Ironman races. Mental illness has become the focus of my career. I work full time in clinical research on treatments for mental illness, and I also work part-time as a licensed mental health counselor.

Everyone should try to do something to make world a better place; this is mine. If you're interested in donating, click here: My goals are modest, but if the goal is met, feel free to donate anyway.

That's it. I won't be sending out any emails or calling.


  1. Anonymous7:55 AM

    I have been (rather silently) following you for awhile, but I love it when you talk about work. I'm getting my masters in rehabiliation counseling/psychology and we're constantly talking about NAMI. One of my classmates is actually the former president of NAMI in my area. I'll be at the walk, too, but in North Carolina! Have fun!

  2. Gee, thanks! I'd love to talk about work more often, but there's those pesky ethical and confidentiality rules and such...suffice to say, it is very, very, very interesting.

  3. Ok, you've inspired me (also a plus sized triahtlete, with some health issues)to do an Xterra off-road race. Thank you.

    Can you tell me which watch is giving you the elevation maps? Is it the evil garmin genie or tech4o? I live in AZ, and would like to see what some of my current hike elevations compare to the courses I'm looking at.

    Keep blogging. You inspire people every day!

  4. ;-) It's the evil Garmin. Forerunner 305.


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