so she'll use Blogger instead. amazed and sickened at the calories in the cashew nuts she ate yesterday (she thought nuts were HEALTHY). even more amazed and sickened to find that a grande "skinny" white mocha is 420 calories. saddened that most of her former shall she say this delicately...refuse to take credit for their achievements, and insisting instead that it's all due to their deity. wondering how many people will be offended by the previous statement.
...finds that lately, she has the panicked feeling that time is running out.
...has begun to dislike her new job quite a bit; it's tedious and she misses working with patients.
...has an impossibly messy house.
...doesn't understand how one can be 5'6", size 12, and weigh 175 pounds. What are her bones made of, anyway? Galena? trying to determine how to respond to mini-Baboo's recent idiotic declaration from bootcamp about future intentions that he has no wherewithall to follow through on. wondering how to get her watch to stop beeping at 9 am and 11 am; having set these alarms and then imediately forgetting how to unset them. jonesing to see the new Harry Potter movie.
...made a lovely eggplant curry for lunch all this week, which almost makes up for the white mocha and cashews.
...did a 10k last night with Baboo, in which was amazingly slow. Incredibly slow. You would not believe how slow. (Okay - maybe you would).
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