Friday, July 17

Week-ending July 17th.

Before I went to bed last night, I stepped on the scale. Fully loaded, I was 4 pounds down. This is huge. It's the first drop I've seen since January.

Distances this week:
Run: 8.1 Mi
Bike: 95 Mi.
Swim: 3900 M.
(oops. Time for a long run...after the sprint tri tomorrow I'll be doing at least 10 miles)

July's totals:
Bike: 249.01 Mi
Run: 28.25 Mi
Swim: 9050 M

The Tramway climb is getting easier, and my average time has increased by a bit over a mile per hour.
I'm getting used to the heat. It's still annoying, but I'm losing that nauseated feeling, and my butt hurts a lot less.

Still using "The Daily Plate". It's easy, and it's working for me, and it's free. It has just about every activity in its activity database you can imagine - including nookie.
I don't know why, but I was hoping for more
than "57 calories an hour".
This just doesn't seem right. -->
In any case, I'm not logging this. I don't want to be one of those featured "members who logged this activity include..."



  1. Oh, that is funny. I've looked that up too. :) I didn't bother to enter it because it's not enough calories to be worth my while... Really, no more than "just lying there." :) But I never thought about the data being made public!

  2. thinks perhaps your sexual activity was not moderate, but rather, vigorous. Thus leading you to conclude that you should have burned more calories.

    Besides, vigorous sex has to be better than moderate sex, no?

    congrats on the 4 lbs.! I dare not go near my scale.

  3. Great cycling miles...I am guessing this has something to do with the four less pounds? Keep up the good work!

  4. 47 calories an hour is some really lazy sex.


  5. Woo hoo!! Great job! Your mileage looks great and way to go on 4 pounds! I have not weighed in yet since I was at the stupid conference, but I am hoping to at least see an end to the increases.


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