It has been two weeks since my last confession. So now I'm playing catsup.
13. Diet. I am not a member of weight watchers any more. I joined spark people. It's free and they have apps for that, too.

8. I went back to my audiologist, finally, and had my hearing aid tuned up and a new audiogram done. Turns out you're supposed to have those every other year, and the tuneup every six months. I hadn't had a tuneup in a few years, and never had a new audiogram done after 2004. Oops. In any case, everything's the same: excellent hearing in my right ear, and moderate to severe loss in my left. Now that it's working properly, I'm back to wearing my hearing aid again.
7. I am very much continuing to enjoy my internship. I did a group this past week and it was lively with much contributing from participants, right up until the hour. And, I finally get to see what I've read about in adults: a true manic state, florid psychosis, etc. e.g.,
- God has given me the gift to be able to see signs.
- Me: what kind of signs? How do the signs show up for you?
- Sometimes if i listen carefully to the radio, certain words will stand out. I can look at billboards and advertisements, and words will stand out that tell me where to go.
- Me: is this how you came to be driving around that night, looking for the governor?
- Yes. I know that if I can find the governor, I can advise and help her protect our borders. But you know, sometimes God has a sense of humor.
- Me: and that's why you were out of gas, in the middle of nowhere, in your barefeet in the winter? Because God has a sense of humor?
- Yes. And because He was testing me.
And where do you go with that? I won't even go into the whole, "religion as a form of mass delusion" argument. In many religions, they tell you that, "God does test you. He does give you signs.” So, at what point do you decide, "this is delusion" and, "this is religion"?
I guess the answer has to lie in your level of impairment. If you're holding down a job and merely annoying family, neighbors and coworkers because you won't shut up about your beliefs, then you're religious. But if you're standing in the middle of nowhere barefoot in the middle of winter, out of gas, miles from the nearest city, on your way to advise the govorner about policy because God told you to, then you're delusional. But somewhere in between, the line is a bit murky, a bit fuzzy. And arguably, where that line lies may depend on your own beliefs.
6. I continue to explore ASL lessons in order to prepare for my next project: fluency in a second language. First I have started reading about the history of Deaf culture. Youtube is AWESOME for looking as signs as well. I have been doing an asl word-a-day. I also know how to say some swear words in ASL, thanks to this guy.
5. Today's word is LAZY. here is how to say I. Am lazy. In ASL. You point to yourself, and then make this sign:
3. My weight fluctuates between 151 and 155, bur my size has stayed the same. I really just cannot believe I wear this size. I will buy something a size 8 on ebay, and when it arrives, I hold it up, thinking, there is no way that is going on over my fat ass. But it does, every time.
2. I am sitting here typing this instead of working out. So, it's time I wrapped this up and got moving.
1. In honor of Valentine's Day I will gift you the most offensive Valentine's Day sentiment I've ever seen. Enjoy.