to this:
I've been somewhat intrigued by these since I first heard about them. I grew up in Alabama and rarely wore shoes. I was constantly admonished by my mother for this, For goodness sake, Misty Jane, put on your shoes. We are civilized people, not hillbillies but in the south where grass is thick and soft and cool, it behooves you to feel it under your feet and between your toes. There are streams to run around in, and wet clay earth is pretty nice between the toes, too. But I digress. In any case, my mother's voice was later replaced with Sweet Baboo voice who suggested that perhaps it was unseemly for a civilized, educated woman to consantly be picking thorns and briars out of her blackened feet. I relented--to him, and to the thorny, sandy, gravelly terrain, and stopped going barefoot.
What I did instead was to wear socks everywhere. Not everywhere, I mean. but around the house, for just running out and getting the mail, or into the garden to dump coffee grounds or ask Baboo if he wanted dinner soon. My poor, poor socks, with their tattered, grey-brown bottoms, no matter their original color. And, my children picked up my bad habits.
Then Vibram came out with these shoes. DP and Bones each got a pair, and I was envious, but I figure that if you're unemployed, you don't get to buy expensive toe shoes. Sweet Baboo had other ideas, especially after reading, "Born to Run".
My reason for wanting to try these on before buying them was because that I fully intend to wear them always with my Injinjis. I have reasoned, and Baboo has read or heard, that they can get a little smelly otherwise. The physics of adding an extra layer to ones feet inside shoes would suggest a different size, but how different? We aimed to find out.
The shoe store ("On Your Feet") for anyone who visits here, is awesome. It is the best place, in my opinion, to get whatever
But anyway. They carry Clarks, Teva, Merril, and Keen - I could have easily taken out a 2nd mortgage to do some serious shopping in here. The salespeople know shoes, too. They didn't just sell them, they knew their product.

We each got a pair of the KOS model, and then drove back to Albuquerque. Immediately Baboo and I went for about a 2-mile hike up and over some sandy hills containing some gravel, and I could feel that my ankles are going to need some work, because with each step my feet were so firmly planted that everything else rotated and moved over them. I could feel some of the gravel under my feet, but it wasn't painful. Nevertheless, I can tell that I'll have to work my way up to wearing these for long distance hikes and/or jogging on trails. Running up and down short inclines I felt pretty secure, even the ones covered with slippery sand and gravel.
I've been wearing them all day, including around the house, and they feel great - snug and comfortable, but not in that creepy, sweaty sort of way that some shoes can be. Vibram also makes the TREK. I will definitely be looking at these for trail running. Look at these soles:
I'm under no illusions that my spine and feet will have some adjusting to do. SOMETHING has to adjust to that lack of stiffness and padding. I was told in the recent past by the guys at Albuquerque Running Shop, that I have an advantage in the long history of running around barefoot and in the nine years I spend standing and walking around on a slab at work, but even so, it will be an adjustment curve to get to wear these for running trails.

For more fancy or formal occasions in the world of non-profit, like interviews and meetings, I'll hang onto my Keen Mary Janes.