Tuesday, May 29

Ah, 2007 FIT. We hardly knew ye.

Ah, sweet, sweet Honda.

How clearly I remember the day I first saw you. I walked past you in the Honda parking lot, that March day in 2006,

and said, breathlessly, "what the hell is that?"

We test drove you, Sweet Baboo and I. We test drove you straight to our house, where we checked to see if two tri bikes owned by a Clydesdale and an Athena would fit in you.

And they did. And so it was that we decided we must possess you, and we took you home.

Over the months, you carried us and our gear to many triathlons, marathons, duathlons. Why, you took us to Sweet Baboo's first Ironman and my first 70.3. In between, you made recovery runs by carrying me to work. Many, many ungraded tests sat in your back seat over many a weekend.

Yet, you never complained. Never asked for more gas than was absolutely necessary (27 mpg city, 35 highway) because you loved us and knew we needed that money for more gear.

But, now all that is gone.

The large blue pickup truck that barreled down on us today showed no mercy, smashing into your rear passenger door, tearing a gash in it and spinning you around until you were flush against the side of the truck. Shattering your windows.
Ripping apart your tires.

You absorbed the impact to save me, sacrificing yourself, keeping me safe.

But it is unlikely you will recover.
The truck that killed you will need a dab of touch-up paint.

The Fit is no longer Go.

R.I.P., dear friend.



  1. Now I'm all sad and nostalgic...should we get another?

  2. That would depend on how long the waiting list is now. If it's not too long, maybe I could drive a Honda scooter in the meantime. :-)

  3. Well that sucks. Are you sure you're okay? Be sure to schedule a massage, because sometimes it takes a day or two to feel the after-effects.

    Poor little Fit. :-(

  4. do you two just sit next to each other tapping messages to each other on your laptops?

    I'm so sad for the Fit. So sad. Waaaaah!

  5. Yowzaaa! Glad you're okay and your sense of humor was unscathed :)

  6. Glad you're okay!!

    I think you should get some big honking gas guzzler this time that will stop any other vehicles dead in their tracks. :-)

  7. Glad you are okay!

  8. Glad no one got hurt. Is she totaled? I always liked the looks of those and owned 2 honda accords that I drove a lot and the were trouble free. Car shopping is some of the funnest shopping there is (except for tri gear):)

  9. Glad your okay. How scary. Your special car cannot be replaced or recover but --I am sure a car salesman will be happy to convince you that he has just the car the will.

  10. I m so sorry for your loss. I assume you must be intact or at least still have all 10 typing digits. Hope you are still feeling good tomorrow- be sure to papmer yourself!
    If you need it, I sleep with an autoglass guy, so he could maybe hook you up with a deal........

  11. Thanks for all the well wishes; I'm unscathed and my daughter (19 years old, in the passenger seat) has almost stopped hyperventilating. Sweet Baboo and I have a relationship that once was nutured by ICQ when we were dating and had to live 600 miles apart. So sometimes we send each other messages, (but usually not in the same house).
    And for Nancy: I'm waiting for the hybrid hummer to come out.

  12. Scary stuff. Thank goodness for the newfangled safety features. For some, an accident like this is a life changing event. Please don't change too much because I enjoy reading your posts!

  13. Yeay for the Fit. Sorry for your loss, but I'm glad that you're alright. I've got a Civic and when it eventually passes on I'm hoping for a Fit.

  14. Anonymous4:41 AM

    I'm so very glad you and your daughter are alright.

    The Fit did well by you.

  15. Glad all came through safely!

  16. Glad you all are safe. Hopefully the same will NOT happen to my Fit.

  17. Glad to hear you are alright! Sounds like the Fit did it's job - good car.

  18. Better the car than you!

  19. OMG I turn my back for 24 hours and this happens! I am so glad you are ok :)
    Farewell brave little car - thanks fro protecting our geekgrl and her family!

  20. Bummer about the car. But in the big picture, it's just a car. I'm glad YOU'RE okay and the car is wrecked, instead of the other way around.

    You're the second family I know that got creamed over the weekend. A co-worker's daughter and her family got t-boned by an underage (and unlicensed) driver.

    We'll keep you in prayers with them.

  21. Oh my goodness I'm glad your ok. I'm sop sorry about your trusty vehicle!


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