Thanks to Bill Anders for posting this this video:
Top 5 Reasons to join the Mayor for National Bike-to-Work Day on Friday, May 18th from The city of Greenville Bike2Work web page:
- Good for the Environment:For every mile ridden on your bicycle, you keep 3.6 pounds of automobile pollutants from entering the atmosphere.
- Good for your Health:A bicyclist burns an average of 25 calories per mile.
- Good for your Wallet: AAA reports it costs over $5,000 per year to own and maintain a car comparedto $120 per year to own and maintain a bicycle.
- Good for your schedule:Combine your commute with your workout. Biking gets you there nearly asfast as driving for many local trips.
- Good for the Community: See Greenville from a new perspective. Learn about new and interesting areas of your neighborhood and City.
Somewhat timely, considering this story that came across my email.
Link: League of American BicyclistsNot quite the right idea, but at least moving in the right direction: