Dear Diary,
Here are my thoughts on the matter, and that's all the attention I'm going to give it.
1 oh, holy shit my mom would roll over in her grave if i did that in public.
2 as if I could ever wiggle my ass like that. i wish i could wiggle my ass like that. Not in public. But still
3 the tongue thing is kinda weird.
4 okay, now that i've watched Thick's and Cyrus' videos, the whole thing makes sense.
5 how can lauper say that she's encouraging date rape? I though we were trying to get away from blaming rape on victims and how they act, is Lauper trying to turn back the clock again?
6 wtf, she's 20. I did some outrageous things when I was 20. My ex husband loves to tell people about them. Nobody cares, but he doesn't have a life, so he does it anyway.
7 your kid who used to love Hannah Montanah cried when she saw that? Why was she watching MTV? I mean, srsy. It's MTV. Srsly
8 the fact that Trump said "Bravo" is just creeeeeepy.
9 i still wish I could wiggle my ass like that.
10 "gas pedal?" Whaaaa tf is that?