Sunday, May 28

The Summer Training Plan.

What are your plans for this summer?
I now have a little over 16 weeks left for the half iron I'm planning to do in September.
Crunch time. So, okay. Here is my ambitious training -- but then, I'm off until August 8th, and my kids are nearly all grown, right?-- plan. Days may be switched.
  • Mondays: Speed Swim, Spinning class, Yoga. Evening Bellydance class.
  • Tuesday: Moderate run, with hills.
  • Wednesday: long swim, Weights, Spinning class, Yoga.
  • Thursday: Long run, and every other week, open water swim (when I can get a buddy)
  • Friday: Weights, spin class.
  • Weekends: 1 day off for recovery/traveling
    1 day for sprint tri's or Long ride
    If no race, then a long ride and one day off.
  • Every 4th week: recovery week.

"A" race: Oklahoma Redman on September 23rd. Half Iron Distance.

"B" races: Two olympic distance races in the Southwest Challenge Series

"C" races: Sprint triathlons, about two or three a month, in my continued quest to place in Athena division in the Southwest Challenge Series.

The only "musts" I have going this summer are a 30-age paper on the therapeutic uses of exercise to treat anxiety and depression, and my goal of reading of Harry Potter books 2 - 5.

Tangental goals for the summer: buying a hammock, making some macrame plant holders, growing hollyhocks and sunflowers.

So, what are your plans for the summer? Will you be training, hanging out, competing, what? Inquiring minds want to know!


  1. Your training looks awesome! Dang. I'm tired just reading it. I live in Oklahoma and am thinking about volunteering at the Redman. It should be a hoot. GOOD LUCK!

  2. We have our A race on the same weekend. Very cool. My goal race this year is an olympic distance race. The idea is to get faster by racing some shorter stuff before I start IMFL 2007 training.

    To that end, my summer plans involve building a massive aerobic base with some speed work mixed in.

    Good luck on your training!

  3. OH wow, I would love to read that paper! I get in disagreements with the chair of my department in regards to what constitutes "addiction to exercise". She thinks if you get depressed when you stop working out, that means your addicted. I disagree based on the fact that exercise has been proved to be as (if not more) effective in treating depression as prozac, etc. That being the case, it only makes sense that one would have symptoms of depression when they stop exercising, right?? :) Keep me posted on your research... you know, in your spare time. LOL


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