Tuesday, October 11, 2005


I mentioned to my husband that I was an okay swimmer and biker, but I suck as a runner. I am so slow. Usually not many people pass me on the bike; I usually hold my own, but I'm such a slow runner that it really hurts my time. His response was something he said he heard another triathlete say to a similar concern: "That's what winter is for"

SOoo I'm going to approach running the same way I approach everything else. Read, read, read; research, research, research, and then run, run, run. I joined CoolRunning where I got my original "Couch-to-5K" plan and I'm also reading a top 10 tips article. I'm also reading current issues of Runner's World.

It's finally cool here again. I love fall in Albuquerque. And it's great running weather. Rarely below 20 or above 60 between October and April. I figure I might be in good shape to start running, because I've been running 2 or 3 5K's per week and I haven't had any sore anything.

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