Wednesday, April 15


BAD EATING HABITS: Since I'm big impulsive baby and MUST track my eating, I've taken the advice of several and joined The Daily Plate. It's just obsessive enough, and adds calories burned while training to my daily allotment. Both TDP and my endocrinologist agree 1400 calories is my limit, with allowances for extra activity.

THAT THYROID THING: After 2 weeks of Synthroid, I feel pretty good, and don't have a desperately exhausted feeling immediately after waking up. I seem to have more motivation for working out. If I can get my grown daughter and cats to stop waking me up, I'll have even MORE energy.

WORKOUTS: I'm doing resistance training. I'm self-conscious working out in front of Sweet Baboo; isn't that weird? I'm SO GLAD days are longer! Last night, I had an awesome, short trail run, the first good one I've had in a while. I'll be training for Ironman 70.3 Buffalo Springs Lake and the Tahoe Rim Trail 50K. I'll be back in the back-of-the-pack in no time. Today, I did 9 pushups. I've never done that many all at once before, and my butt was only slighyly up in the air. Then my arms gave out and I almost broke my nose. I assume that's what they mean by "working to failure".

HAIR: My hair is growing out. Soon, I will have ponytails again. You don't care, and that's okay. I do.

SOCIAL WORK SCHOOL: When I'm done, I'm never going to school again. No, seriously. I mean it. I do.

NEW JOB: It's psychiatric research, and it's very interesting. Sometimes Sweet Baboo pops in and talks with me for a few minutes when he's not insanely busy with his new job. At my other, part-time job, I developed and am now giving a combination parenting skills class and support group on one evening a week, and also have a couple of individual clients. Once I'm done with social work school, I'll hopefully be doing a combination of case-management and therapy during the day, and all my evenings will be free.

CHILDREN: My youngest teenage son is dangling precariously between graduating and having to take a class in summer school to graduate. Because he's TRYING TO KILL ME. My daughter has been calling me VERY LATE at night to vent her drama, which is never an emergency. I asked her many times not to do this, then went into my settings and set her ringtone to silence.
Betcha didn't know you could do this, did you? You're welcome.



  1. laughed my head off great post

  2. I care. I like ponytails.

  3. Ponytails that stick out of caps are matter HOW old one is! (Or how short the pony tail is!)

    I keep telling myself this... :-)

    We take the phone off the hook at 8:00 pm.

    hellyeah for push ups! Keep it up! (and the butt down!)

  4. Need to know - how tall are you? I'm the same age fighting the same problem with my weight but have no idea how many calories I should eat. Every site says something different. (I do the daily plate/livestrong too and I paid for it...) Goals?
    Seegirlrun at gmail dot com

  5. You crack me up!

    BTW, do the modified pushups...
    Check this out...

  6. Social work school? I'm so outta touch. I think you know I'm an LCSW. You getting a grad degree in SW too?

  7. pony cool is that?!?!?!

    That brought back some memories!


  8. Pony tails rock. I just got bangs, which made my pony tails even cuter :-P

    Great to hear the Synthroid is helping - I vividly remember how different I felt when I first started on my thyroid medication. It was like coming out of a 10 year fog.


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