I've been looking up stuff on the Internet and have found tons of post MARATHON recoveryinfo. I wonder if they hold true for half marathons? Is there a recovery period after a half marathon? I'm wondering also, because my swim on Tuesday (2 days post) was the slowest I've ever swum in my life, except when I was three years old, doggy paddling in Hoover, Alabama. Most of all, I'm interested in this sudden rapid weight gain (about 4-5 pounds) that I got afterwards. What's that all about? On a related subject, we're thinking about getting a Tanita Innerscan Scale.I'm not sure why we need this new toy other than, well, we haven't bought any new toys for a while. It's supposed to provide, basically, everything about your body that you would want to know (weight, BFI%, bone mass, hydration, etc.). I'm naive enough to think, if they claim that it can, then it will. As near as I can figure, the difference between it and the Tanita Ironman Innerscan Scale is perhaps $20 or so more and the Ironman Logo on it.