Saturday, February 11

John Stermer Duathlon

My first duathlon! Not one of my better performances. I don't honestly know what my time was yet, except that I know it was appallingly slow.
Now, let the litany of excuses begin.
First, it was c-o-l-d. 27 degrees. The run went out into the desert outside White Sands, and was a good little run - I just wasn't expecting the pockets of sand on the trail; (I know - it should be self evident, right? desert, sand.) I couldn't seem to catch my breath, despite the extra asthma puffs I'd taken earlier. It was slightly uphill, maybe about a 1 - 2 rolling grade, and then back down to the transition area. At the end of the run I was 2nd from last. Yay! Hey, at least I showed up, right??
Then, on to the bike. In transition, I finally decided to throw out my insoles, which keep folding up whenever I try to get my bike shoes on. This was the time for me to find out if my bike fitting, provided by Husband two days ago, would be a benefit. I can tell you it was. The ride was smooth, rolling grade 1 - 2% down on the way out. So, on the way out on the bike course (30K, or 18.6 miles) I was thinking to myself, "Wow. I'm sooo fast. I kick ass". Then I turned around, facing INTO the wind, and inched my way back, saying every curse word I could think of. It was still c-o-l-d. I was muttering all my favorite profanities under my breath. It wasn't pretty. I finished the bike 3rd from last, but was one of only two Athena's to show up, so I took 2nd. Kick ass.
Husband took 1st in the Clydesdale division. Son, 15, did it with us and was a finisher.
My new glasses (RecSpecs) worked really well. I forgot I had them on.
Nice little duathlon. I'm going to do it next year. Better. ;-)


  1. "Not one of my better performances."!?!?

    How can you say that!?!? You rocked!!

    You PRd, plus you got the SILVER MEDAL!!!

    There are zillions of people sitting on the couch and not doing it. You beat them all. Go, girl!

  2. Thanks, Nance. That was just the encouragement I needed. I got a medal because I SHOWED UP!!


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