Saturday, August 18

BIB numbers.

Bib numbers for Ironman Louisville are posted. Including folks I know that will be there... Edited from time to time

Sweet baboo, 1539
Ricky V, 1975
the Lone Ranger, 974
Kevin 231
Bones Mackenzie, 1227
"Wingman" aka "Sharkbait," 1709
Iron Snoopy 84
Moose 1603
Mary Sunshine, 2051

Oh, and mine: 1540

Did I forget anyone?

I woke up in my messy bed today with a penny stuck to my left breast. I hope that's lucky.



  1. I don't know you, but I found your blog from someone elses blog and love reading it. You are an inspiration for us Athenas.

    I must say I laughed when I read the penny comment. How can that be anything, but a lucky penny. LOL Good luck on your race.


  2. Hey Misty! It's getting close! Mary's bib number is 2051. E-mail me your cell # so I can track you guys down!

  3. GkGRL - you misunderstood..... we've been telling you to Kick Ass and TAKE NAMES, not Kick Ass and MAKE CHANGE.....
    Glad we could straighten that out before you get there, whew!

  4. Anonymous11:14 AM

    Woooo hoooo!!!

    (Writin' 'em on a post-it now.)

  5. I suppose it depends on if the penny was tails up or heads up, in either case it was more lucky than I. ;-)

  6. Yay for bib numbers! It's really getting close now. I can't wait to track you guys on :)

  7. That's the best line I have read in a blog in ages :)

  8. Your penny incident made me snort!

    Good luck in Louisville! I will be following along.

  9. I've been folowing your jouney, and want to wish you the absolute best in Louisville. I have a lot of faith in you, and know you'll cross that line. One stroke, one pedal, and one stride at a time, and you'll get there. I'll be rooting for you!

  10. that'll teach you not to sleep in between the sofa cushions.

  11. Steve Job (cofounder of Apple and Pixar)gave a commencement speech appropriate for where you are now "Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life. Don't be trapped by dogma — which is living with the results of other people's thinking. Don't let the noise of others' opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most important, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become. Everything else is secondary." Reading along since your preparation for Redman has inspired me - Thank you. Good luck.. this is YOUR time.. live it fully

  12. I've told Duane several times that you guys MUST be rolling in money....and now I have the proof! ;-)

    BIB??? Like at the lobster restaurants? Yum

  13. Hey GG-

    my email is I am staying at the marriott downtown. hope to see you and Baboo,Mary and Duane. Email and I'll send you my cell.

  14. Dam you Sweet Baboo, you stole my thunder (and my comment).

    We'll be in town late Thursday or early Friday. Do we have you in the e-mail group for planning? We're planning a dinner Friday, at least one of the swims, and some type of group picture.

    It's getting close, now.

  15. A few more numbers of my friends
    Iron Snoopy 84
    Moose 1603

  16. Thanks for the number - I'll be following your race online!

    Have a wonderful Ironman woman, can't wait to hear all about it when you get back!


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