Saturday, August 25

Race Day Haikus 発句

Remember when you were little and your mom used to yell (or maybe it was your dad, or grandparent, or whomever) SHUT THE DOOR; DO YOU THINK I WANT TO AIR-CONDITION THE WHOLE NEIGHBORHOOD?!?!

Well, apprently someone with childhood issues from that sort of exchange is working them out, because, indeed, they are air conditioning the whole neighborhood here in LouAville.

We went down and visited the area where the finish line will be set up, and found that it has "out door air-conditioning". I'm torn; I don't know whether to be horrified by the global warming ramifications of this or somewhat thrilled that my finish line will be air conditioned. It will be nice for the people waiting, which means I might get a lot of screaming when I come down the chute (knock on, em, where is some, okay, WOOD) from the folks who are there, cool, and have been partying all night. What the hell; I'll get it however I can take it.

We've requested a 2:45 am wake up call.

My transition bags are hanging on pegs in a sea of 2000 other transition bags.

My bike is racked in a sea of 2000 other bikes.

I'll leave you, for now, with my last pre-race haikus:

In a sea of bikes

mine waits for me to find it

and ride to last place


It's all over but

the sweating, swearing and the

shouting of my name.




  1. Anonymous5:33 PM

    Follow your plan, race your race.
    Hear the cowbells from cyberspace.

    Yeah, I know it's just a rhyming couplet. Best I could do!

  2. hit'em hard!! Good luck tomorrow!

  3. Missed you at gear check today but escorted one of your fellow Albuquerquean Outlaws. They knew you! Told them I had read your entire blog this week...

    I'll root you on at Run Aid #3 and the finish! Good luck!

  4. What Wendy said
    Go GG and SB!

  5. Go you!!! I hope you have an awesome race. I have to say that you just plain kick *ss. Seriously. You rock. I can't wait to read about your adventures tomorrow in the new speedy swimsuit and with the Rockette and in the sexy pink toe socks.

  6. The river awaits
    The river road calls your name
    Just like Mike Reilly

    Go, Geekgirl, Go! You're smart, you've trained hard, and you're going to rock! Best wishes for a great day!

  7. She's doing it! Out of the water in 1:31 and through T1 in 11:31, out on her bike now!


  8. Anonymous6:09 AM

    What Nancy said!!!

  9. Yes, cheering!

    Rubber money suit did its stuff, and you're doing yours.

  10. I'm tracking you on my blog too - go girl!

  11. This is so exciting.. tracking you and sending serious strength of will your way.. GO GEEK GIRL!

  12. Woo hoo, she's off her bike and on the run!! Looks like she had a slowdown about 3/4 of the way through - I hope no mechanical issues, but she's finished and I hope glad to be off the bike and on her feet!!! GO GO GO!

  13. Woohoo! I just checked for updates and you're on to the run. Awesome! RUN, GEEKGIRL, RUN!

  14. Anonymous5:04 PM

    And 4 miles in!!! You go GeekGirl!!! Go!

  15. HEY WAY TO GO! You negative splitted the bike! WoooWhoo!Run woman run! Those first two 4 mile splits look spectacular! You're even pacing it... and a third of the way there! I'm rooting for you here from Pocatello Idaho... can you feel the vibe? Oh.. that's probably the vibe of all the people across the country that are tracking you along this journey! You're an inspiration! You Go Girl!

  16. Oh my gosh this is so exciting!! GO GEEK GIRL!!!

  17. You're doing great! Looks like you had an AWESOME swim & a strong bike split! I'm sending good thoughts out to you for the rest of the run. Go you!

  18. I'm watching too - hoping you're feeling strong and moving forward! Watching Sweet Baboo too - it's so exciting! Watching people cross the finish line on the live video feed is amazing!!

  19. Sorry, just saw your next 4-mile split posted - you are getting FASTER and FASTER on every section! It's just incredible!

  20. Keep it coming, Geekgirl! You're doing a fabulous job!

  21. I am excited about the negative splits on the run - you've still got some gas in the tank! I ran a pesky 5K (PR!) today and had a nap, and you've been going for, what, like a day and a half?? Can't wait to see you cross the line and hear all about YOUR FIRST IRONMAN!!!

  22. She's through 16 miles on the run and she's going to negative split that sucker, too!

    GO GO GO TEN TO GO! Hear us cheer for you!!??

  23. I just saw Brian come across the line - I'll be interested to hear his story since his swim and bike were faster than predicted but he must have had a tough time on the run! The exhaustion on his face just goes to show what an amazing thing it is to be able to do this!

  24. On your fourth run segment, you look fantastic! Go, Misty!!!

  25. Less than 6 to go! You rock!

  26. Looks like that last segment was a tough one. Hang in there!

  27. She's closing in on the finish! Way to polish off that last 4 mile segment! We're all cheering for you, Misty!

  28. Last 2.6 miles!!! Go, go, go, go, go!!! This is so exciting!!! I can't wait to see you cross the finish line!!

  29. just watched you finish...YOU ARE AN IRONMAN!!

  30. YAAAAAAAAAAAYYYYYYYYYY! Congratulations! You're so awesome!

  31. Yay! I just saw you finish and you looked great! You're awesome!

  32. WOW! What a great finish! WAY TO GO!

  33. Yeah I just watched it too. To say that you are an inspiration would be an understatement. You GO GIRL! Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!! (I cannot wait to read about it)

  34. Yes, me too--I have been glued to the computer for the last hour practically HOLDING MY BREATH waiting for you to finish! Many, many congratulations... you looked great, too, you were running really strong there at the end.

  35. CONGRATS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So happy for you!!!!!!!

  36. Just saw you finish as well. Way to go you Ironman!!!

  37. How incredibly exciting!!! I was so jazzed when I saw you come in I had to call Pirate and do an over the phone high five. I KNEW You would do it - never lost faith for a second.

    Congratulations! That's for you and your Sweet Baboo. Well done!

  38. I can't believe you just did that! You are such an inspiration - Thank You!!

  39. CONGRATULATIONS IRON GEEKGIRL! I saw SB finish but then we had to drive 4 hrs (it's Monday arvo here) so I made my Mum keep checking and ring me when you finished!! Go geekgirl go!!

  40. Congratulations IRONwoMAN veganstyle.
    We don't need no freakin' meat to get our Iron!

  41. Anonymous4:25 AM

    Iron!!! First time out!!! Revel in it.

  42. Congratulations!

    Recover well.

  43. Awesome race, IRONWOMAN!!! 9:14 min/mile for the last run segment??? Wow. Way to finish strong! I'm in total awe...


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