Wednesday, August 1

Completely unrelated.

Now that I'm finalizing the nutrition strategy, it's time for me to start thinking seriously about the fashion strategy.

I didn't realize until today they'd added pearl snaps for your race number to these little numbers.

I've decided I must have one of these for Ironman Louisville.

Because, um, they'll me feel cuter, which, um, will make me feel better emotionally and physicially, um, and, uh, yeah.

The only thing I don't know is, which is faster, black or pink...



  1. I vote for pink :-)

  2. Anonymous4:44 PM

    I believe pink will be much faster. I have no good reason to believe this. I just do.

  3. Hopefully you will be easier to spot as you blaze by in PINK!

  4. Well if the number is pink...get black...but if the number is black...(hey, I have no fashion sense, ask the "fashion police" at my daughter!)

  5. Um pink. They had one for a while that was pink camo, that one was HAWT!
    I super heart the running skirts- definietly high in the cute scale, but they tend to ride up and I find myself digging around under my skirt pulling the leggy things down where they are supposed to be all the time, very ladylike.

  6. I heart the camo ones too...this skirt is basically just a race belt. It doesn't have attached panties or shorts or anything; you wear it over your existing tri ensemble.

  7. Pink! and matching Pink for Sweetness...that would be a picture of the year.

  8. I think that if you feel cute when you run, you run better. I'm partial to pink too. Everyone wears black! Be a non conformist!!

  9. how about yellow with purple polka dots?

  10. That is quite possibly the cutest thing I've ever seen! Love the pink but black goes with more. SO you can get a super sassy top to go with it.

  11. Pink is the fastest colour.

  12. Mmmm. I am both a tomboy (= no pink) AND a nonconformist (= no black).

    It appears, though, that peeps like pink, so put me down for pink too.

  13. Cuter = faster, so the color must be pink.

  14. I happen to be partial to pink too!!
    Good luck!

  15. I think the pink is definitely faster and cooler if it's a hot day.

  16. I totally have that on my list of things to buy! I believe pink is much faster!! :>)

    Just checking out your blog! You are a pro! I am just starting so I have so much to learn! Congrats on your 100 mile ride! That rocks!

  17. the skirtsport skirts are great! i wore their 'freelove' one at imfl last year. i'd suggest, if you plan to change during t2 that you go with the marathon girl (has panties underneath) or the gymgirl (has bike short-type stuff underneath).

    and absolutely go pink. :-)


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