Tuesday, August 28

Short post.

So, conversation during 4th period today.

  • Me: So, okay. Any questions about variables and expressions? Zack, you have your hand up.
  • Zack: Mrs. Pilgrim, during an Ironman, what do you do if you have to pee?
  • Me: Well, then you pee.
  • Zack: But do people hold it?
  • Me: Some do; some people pee while on the bike.
  • Zack: Ew! Gross! They like, wet their pants and everything? I would never do that! I'd never, like go in my pants!
  • Me: Zack, the first man and woman of this race got $10,000. So, the questions is, would you wet your pants for $10,000?
  • Zack: No. No way. I'd never do that, not for any money.
  • Priscilla: Zack, you're so full of it. You'd do it for less, and you know it.
  • Another student: I'd totally go in my pants for $10,000. I just wouldn't, you know, like do all that biking and running and stuff.
  • Zack: I'd do it in a cup. You know, in a cup. Then throw the cup away.

So, this is the world that I live in. Welcome back, says the world.



  1. I would think that that conversation alone would make it all worth it ;-)

  2. Oh that made me crack up!

  3. Heh. Zack is clearly not iron material.

  4. Oh my gosh - hilarious!

  5. LOL. You know what is cool...You have them thinking Triathlon.

  6. I would go in my pants just for a stinkin' $5 medal. But anyway...

    So are you limping around and grimacing and saying, "Oh, don't worry about me, it's nothing, I just finished an Ironman 3 days ago, happens all the time...."

  7. You are f-in amazing. Your posts are making me cry at work, that you pushed yourself through all the heat and pain (not to mention gross gels). WOO-HOO!!

  8. The kids are fabulous!

    You did an AMAZING job at the race. Congratulations! You've inspired me, given me the ironman bug. Way to hang tough and keep going.

  9. When did you meet my kids? and when did they change their names to Zack and Priscilla?

    Just so you know, I'd pee my pants for much less than $1000. Sad but true.

  10. I love Zack - ya got his brain working overtime :-)

  11. I'm curious as to how you incorporate Ironman discussion in your start-of-the-year activities. My kids haven't come back yet but I'm wondering how I'll bring up the topic without overwhelming them.

    I'm so excited for you! I felt like a different person after my race...I saw the world differently when I crossed the finish line. What's next for you? I'm struggling with finding my place in the tri community but starting a new teaching job at the same time. So much conflict but with positive forces all around. Congratulations!


  12. Ya know, it's not all that easy to pee on the bike. I had to practice this many times and then to try to get the stink out of the seat so you can take it to the bike shop for a pre-race tuneup!

    Do you think your students have a solution for this?

    And then those poor volunteers that handle the stuff....IMHO, THEY are the ones who deserve the $10K.

  13. "...and I'm still wearing my pee-pee pants...." - Texas Ranger

  14. Isn't it awesome that what you do outside of the classroom impacts them as well?? You are a fine example!

  15. That conversation is classic for sure. Out of the mouths of babes.

  16. Casey, on the first day of school they have to find the person whose lived in the most states, the person who has the most sibs, Someone who swims, someone to runs...there's a whole list. People that play an instrument, etc. Then we go over it in class, and with each question I talk a little about myself and get them to talk about themselves. I also told them about IMLoo since I was going to be gone for 3 days.

  17. BTW, I love your training plan this week. Zip, zero, zilch!! ENJOY!!!!!

  18. Darn, another thing I have to practice.

  19. Anonymous12:08 PM


  20. Tell 'em that's why there's the hole in the center of so many of the road bike saddles! That'll get 'em going!

  21. I love it. That is so classic high school. I don't really miss those days at the moment. ;>)

  22. "I'd totally go in my pants for $10,000. I just wouldn't, you know, like do all that biking and running and stuff."

    Oh.My.Gosh. That is sooooo funny

  23. That's kids for you. Such innocent views of the world you live in.


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