Sunday, February 1

End of Week 3? or was it 2?

So, this is the end of week 3 of the Challenge.  I got a little mixed up earlier in the week on the date, but now I'm sure - it's the end of week 3.  No, wait.   Yes.  I'm sure.  End of week 3.

Since I'm not teaching math any more I'm losing my number sense and becoming a math-tard.  

So, here are the LifeForm graphs for this week for my eating.  Hmm. Looks like I need to take a vitamin C supplement,  and I can go ahead nd blow off the Calcium, Iron, and vitamin A supplements.  These graphs show what I'm getting just from my food, so I'm on a good track.  Of course, this doesn't include all the Crystal Lite I'm drinking, which I think has vitamin C in it.

My weight has held steady this week, around 168 or so.  My bodyfat seems to have dropped a couple points, though.

Today I did my last long run/walk/whatever my IT band will let me do.  It was actually longer than this, because my Garmin got turned off by accident for about 2 miles.  And, it hurt.  I'm feeling pretty discouraged about the 50-mile run next weekend.  

Now, all the ulta-runners I've talked to have said that, compared to the hilly, rocky trails I've been running, that Rocky Racoon will be like running on featherbeds or something.  But let's face it, 50 miles is still 50 miles, and it's even longer when you're WALKING it.  The miles go by slower.  The other people in the race are long gone.  

Sigh.  I'm not really sure about this one.  Of course, I'm never really sure.  Most people don't know this about me, but most of the time I toe the start line pretty uncertain of finishing.  

So that's it.  Nothing thoughtful or witty today.  I'm too busy perseverating on how much running hurt today, and how discouraged I am.  It feels like I haven't run in, like, forever, or that I'll never be able to run again.  

It's going to be a long 50 miles on Saturday.  I'm hoping to finish by midnight.



  1. Definitely sucks to be injured. Give the race the best that you have and enjoy the day.

  2. Good luck, you'll probably do better than you think.

  3. Re: Challenge insanity, I was strongly thinking of you yesterday morning - I had a tea with fresh lemon slices, in a styrofoam cup, at the cafe I've been writing in during the mornings - and realized when I got to the bottom that the strands of lemon pulp had actually DISSOLVED HOLES in the styrofoam around the high-water mark. Mmmmmmm - liquid styrofoam! I am overdue for some hair lightening too, but too busy to schedule it right now?!?

  4. Good luck! i'm sure you'll do better than what you expect. Just stay positive and you'll be fine.

  5. Anonymous7:42 AM

    The virtual cowbell will be ringing here like crazy. (But listening to our bodies is the most important thing, and I know you will.)

  6. Anonymous9:29 AM

    I know that feeling...of not knowing if you'll be able to make it. Just remember how quickly things can change (I know it goes both ways) but sometimes I've been convinced I won't even be able to walk 24 hours from the pain and then I'm out doing a long run. Last week I was so discouraged and then I went the next day feeling about 414% better. You just never know, which makes it all the more frustrating, but just don't give up hope. Take care of yourself!

  7. Good luck!!

    And my-oh-my, you sure are the math-tard! Those graphs are amazing!!

  8. Good luck to you. I will be running my 1st 50 miler ar RR, and have aworry about getting to the finish line as well. Probably run into you sometime out on the course.


  9. I am in for the 50 also. Looking forward to seeing you on the trail.



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