The flowers were sweet, from Queen, and I was surprised and delighted by the Vegan dark chocolate raspberry cake brought in by Husband made for me at Whole Foods. Happy for this pleasant evening out. It was kind of noisy, which makes my hearing instrument pretty useless, so I nodded and smiled to people in turn when I was able to make out that they were wishing me a happy birthday, enjoying my Carona, chips and guacamole. I excused myself to the ladies room for a bit. Then when I returned, my teammates were smiling big smiles. At me. A little too much. I smiled back, unsure of exactly why they were looking at me in that strange way (was there toilet paper trailing from my shoe?)
and then I looked past them and saw IT.

Where I'd been sitting, well, leaning up against it, actually, was my birthday present. IT was shiny, sleek and silver. I'd admired IT several times over at Albuquerque Bicycle Center. IT was built with a shorter top tube, profile frame, aero wheels, and carbon fork. IT is the Trek Equinox 7, WSD.
I was thrilled, and dumbfounded. I hadn't expected the cake, much less this bike. In fact, I hadn't expected the bike until much later in the year. I found out later that, given my afternoon "check engine light" and the call to my husband to come pick me up, he'd had to do some bit of transportational gymnastics to pick up my present, deliver it to someone else who could hide it in their truck, shower (my husband commutes by bike about 15 miles) then pick me up, then get us to the restaurant. It takes a lot to surprise me. I've been in the bike shop several times where he bought it, and sworn the employees to secrecy, and I'd occasionally wondered over to where it was, high up on an overhead rack, but never, ever did I expect this tonight. It's fantastic - you should see it, shiny and aero.
I found out later that Husband wanted me to have it a week ahead of my birthday, so that I could get at least a weeks' ride in before the Stealth Duathlon on the 12th (my actual birthday). I've been told I should name IT. I'm thinking of Rosie. We'll see how I feel after the inaugural ride tomorrow, after my comps. Then I'll do a "gear" review. Whoo-hoo!
Whoa! BEAUTY!!
ReplyDeleteHappy birthday! Enjoy that sweet new ride!!