Saturday, March 18

Time to get off my butt.

I am now officially registered for the Buffman and Squeaky Olympic Distance Triathlon, on May 21st, the first of two Olympic triathlons I'll be doing before the half iron distance in September, and I'm terrified.
It's a 1500m lake swim, 40K bike, and 10K run. Now, I can slog my way through the swim and run, although I'm a bit nervous about what is to be my wetsuit debuit, but the bike is straight up out of a canyon, straight up a hill, then steep rolling hills all the way out and back. I hate hills. They're lots of work. (I think I've been clear in my desire to avoid hard work).

Tomorrow I go back to my regular training. I've taken it easy because of the shoulder thing. Rosie is still in the shop awaiting a new fork, and "might" be back in time for my first triathlon of 2006, the Wind Triathlon. The good news is that after Thursday of this week I'm off until April 3rd.
Anyway, here's this week's training schedule. It's ambitious, and I'm going to try really hard to stick to it. Maybe posting my training plan for the week publicly will shame me into sticking to it, for once.

  • Sunday: Long run, 8-9 mi.
  • Monday: Swim 2000m, then weights, long stretching session
  • Tuesday: Bike to work and back (4 miles each way w/hills) + evening run, 3 mi.
  • Wednesday: Off day
  • Thursday: Swim 1500m, then weights & stretching
  • Friday: about 4-5 mi run
  • Saturday: Brick w/long Bike + short Run
Oh, and I'm going to start posting what I eat, too. I think I eat too much, and I know that going public with it will definitely shame me into eating less. Either that, or having the post it will trigger my innate laziness and I won't eat if I have to sit down and write about it.

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