Thursday, June 28

It's official: I've lost my mind.

Sweet Baboo has requested that I state for the record that he did not talk me into this. (He only helped me with the rationalizations after I signed up.)

Rationalization numero 1: What the hell, I'm going to be there anyway, right? I might as well give myself something to do while he and the rest of the Outlaws and blogger community are running amok doing their ironman.

Rationalization numero 2: If I do Ironman Louisville and have a sucky time, I'm going to want another crack at it.

Rationalization numero 3: If I do Ironman Louisville and have a great time, I'm gonna want to do it ragain.

Rationalization numero 4: I'll have ample opportunity to learn how to spell Cour C'Arlene properly.



  1. Oooooooooooooooooooh!
    Good on you!!
    BTW I had to look for ages to find the coffee cups in your dishwasher LOL

  2. I'm so jealous-still can't talk the man here into doing it..:(

  3. Great rationalizations! And they're all true!

  4. How can you argue with arguments like that?

  5. O.K. We may have to come out there and help DI ring the cowbell now that you just bailed out on her. Happy Anniversary to you. In my honest opinion, I would not want to by near you if you had to stand by and watch other ladies race and you were on the sidelines. I think you would jump the fence and race them anyway. Good Luck this weekend.

  6. yeah, those are good reasons. Can't argue with that.

  7. A well thought out plan. I look forward to reading as you take us along for the ride.

  8. Anonymous4:32 AM

    GeekGirl, you so rock!

  9. Whoo hoo! Until i was schooled properly, I thought IM CDA ment Ironman Canada.

    I might be coming out to Louisville to cheer peeps on

  10. YOU are my IDOL...:-)) You will love this!!!!!!!

  11. Athena, Gawdess of Iron. We beseech thee to have mercy on us.

  12. Way to go GeekGirl!!!

  13. Awesomeness!!! I totally want to sign up, but I just can't make myself do it until I get through the half. And CdA's course elevation profile makes me want to barf, just looking at it.

    Way to go, brave woman!

  14. Coeur d'Alene (notice the spelling) will never be the same after you rock it next June.

  15. I think there are 12-step programs for this... or at least out-patient programs.

    Good luck, we'll be following along from the couch at home! Sounds like a beautiful place!

  16. I am really going to miss you next to me in the cheering zone, but I'll be one really awesome athletic supporter - cheering you on as you race!! You're awesome!!! I am so excited about this race. More than any other I've been to!!!

  17. BTW- I'll have to pop over to Big Mike and J Wim's to hold them to attending as a cheering squad!!!

  18. cour c'Arlene
    Cour d'Arlene
    Couer d'Arlene
    Coeur c'Arlene
    Coeur d'Arlene
    Coeur d'Alene
    yes, Coeur d'Alene

    Phew! I figured it out without having to sign up (I was sweating it for a moment).

    All kidding aside...GO FOR IT!!!!

  19. Good for you!!

    I will have to live vicariously through you...(as I usually do)...for this one.

    I'm so deep in the doghouse for IMLou will likely need the $475 to pay for the divorce. ;-)

  20. spellin.. not my fortae`

    but clickin` that button was!

    Hi, there.. if follow Myles and just wanted to share the friendship, and being as I will be evenutally meeting you guys here in Tx. for the 101 series and now IMCdA 08 I gotta get to know you too.. cant wait!

    and Happy Anniversary!


  21. Love the "cour d'arlene"! You should have seen my spelling when I was trying to do a search for it!

    We will be in touch!

  22. That's fan-freekin-tastic! Although I haven't been to Core-duh-lane I've only heard good things about the race.

    It was good to meet you in Lubbock and I look forward to reading more of your adventures.

    Stay tuned...

  23. You are going to LOVE it! I liked it so much this year, I signed up again....

    And, the spelling. I grew up in Spokane & spent all summer at that lake. It's taken me until NOW to finally be able to spell it :-)

  24. Hey Girl. Check out the Boise Aeros forum at
    Several members did the IMCDA this year and you can read all about their experiences this year. Apparently the water was vicious... lots of white caps and pretty slow times. The bike is pretty hilly, too... so I'm sure you'll enjoy that. Since the weather sucked this year, it'll be PERFECT for next year. That's how Idaho works! I think it's great that you're taking the plunge. Best of luck this year as you prepare. It's absolutely beautiful country up there... a real delicacy!


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