you have worked so hard for. have to trust me with my
recovery recommendations. "
Why this is funny:
Trust me when I say that nobody has to convince me to rest. Ever.
In the world of competitive resting, I reign supreme.
I'm about to order a "water hammock" which allows you to float, partially submerged, while napping. Sweet Baboo and I are working out the logistics of my new back yard hammock, which will allow me to lie in the shade and nap.
Seriously. I'm not kidding. I'm very committed to napping. Very good at it.
I even bought a book about it recently.
I had one of those super hyper work-ethic generation Dads, so I occasionally feel guilty about it, but not for too long. I am of the opinion that Americans need to take more naps.
In between workouts and races of course.